First Coffee Date

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Disha's POV:

It was lunchtime already and I didn't realize as I was busy at the meeting since morning. Finally, we got our breakthrough in international market and my Boss wanted me to handle this project too. I was just thinking about how to manage so much stress at work with all these new responsibilities along with all the drama going on in my personal life with the whole wedding thing.

Speaking of wedding reminded me how rudely I spoke with Shourya in the morning. For once he tried to act nice and protective and I shunned him. I should apologize for my rudeness. I pulled out my phone from my purse and started typing when Mukul entered my cabin.

"Disha, Are you busy?"

"Umm not really, was just texting Shourya. Tell me."

"Nothing I just wanted to check if you want to grab a bite for lunch."

"You carry on Mukul I have to finish some things. Maybe next time. Anyways I have to leave early today."

"Oh, I thought Shourya is picking you up at 6:00."

"Ummm yeah but something came up so he will be picking me up early."

I lied even though I haven't even spoken to Shourya. I knew if he doesn't come to pick me up early Mukul will find out the reality of our relationship but still, I took my chance.

"Alright, then I will get going. Congratulations on your engagement. Do remember to call me at your wedding, I don't want to hear it from him after the wedding." Mukul said and smiled half-heartedly before leaving.

I picked up my phone again and sent Shourya a text.

[I am sorry for my rude behavior this morning. I guess I wasn't expecting you act that close to me and the nervousness about my presentation took over me and I just lashed out on you.]

I waited for 10 minutes but there was no reply from him so I sent him another text.

[Sorry Shourya, please forgive this innocent girl.] I added an innocent face emoticon with the text.

After waiting for another 10 minutes yet no reply from him, I finally texted him again.

[Mr. Shourya Mehra Are you forgiving me or should I take Mukul on the coffee date I was hoping to go with you today at 5:00? And trust me this is not a threat.]

Finally, after I sent the last text I got a reply immediately.

[I will pick you up at 4:45]

I grinned from ear to ear looking at his message. Haha, it was funny to see how he reacted on Mukul's name. Was he jealous of Mukul? Could that be the reason for him acting so caring and loving in the morning?

Shourya's POV:

I reached her office sharp at 4:45 PM but she was nowhere to be seen so I called her.

"Hi, I am just coming out. Give me 2 minutes." She quickly said as soon as she picked the call and hung up.

Soon I saw her rushing out of the building towards my car.

She smiled as she looked at me and sat in the passenger seat next to my driving seat. I slowly moved the car out of the driveway and we went to her nearby favorite coffee place.

"What would you like to have?" I asked her as we sat down on a corner table.

"You tell me, it's my treat. Let me guess, you want a latte with no sugar."

"How do you know? We never had coffee together?"

"Well, I have my resources to find out things about my husband to be." She smiled and winked at me.

"So you consider me as your husband to be?" I asked sarcastically.

"Shourya I said sorry for the morning. It's not I don't want to tell anyone about us, but it's just so sudden and fast all of this, it's hard to get used to it. After fighting for so many years how can you expect us to be normal in a week and act like couples? And frankly, I like the fighting us, I can't imagine us being lovey-dovey and all."

"Hehehe you are right. It is a little weird, but we still have to show some emotions right? Else our parents will kill themselves if we keep fighting. They will feel they made a terrible decision. Even if it is we can't let them blame themselves, right?"

"True. And that's why I asked you for this coffee date."

"I am glad you did. Disha, I know its all too fast but, to be frank since the day we took this decision to follow our parent's wish I feel somehow attracted to you. The kiss on the forehead from today morning was because of 1.) I didn't like the way that friend of yours was looking at you, it was not like a friend look at another friend and 2.) I am attracted to you and want to be close to you."

"Ahem Ahem," She coughed in disbelief. "Shourya, Mukul is just a friend, even though he likes me I have zero feelings for him and never will have so please be rest assured and calm down."

"I know but I just couldn't help, will try harder next time to not get jealous, promise," I promised her with a puppy face and she smiled at me.

"Fine but you have to promise me one more thing."

"And what is that?"

"That you will eat brownies with me whenever I want to eat them. I can't finish the whole thing, and I have to stay in shape too, can get fat and can't resist them. So you have to be my partner in crime."

"Hehehe alright Sweetheart, I will be your partner in crime. Let me get one for you."

"No, it is my treat, I will get your coffee and our brownie."

After she returned placing the order, she sat across me and was smiling.

"What's the treat for?"

"Well let's say I am making up for my behavior in the morning and I am celebrating my success."

"Oh congrats, you finally entered the international market."

"Yep and I am given the task of heading the project."

"That's great news. And you are treating me only with a coffee and brownie. You are a miser, this should be a dinner date instead."

"What to do Mister. I am a poor girl, working in a small company, not a business person soon to become the sole owner like you. I can only afford coffee dates in small places like these." She said making a cute puppy face as if she is really very poor.

"Hahaha, you won't change weirdo."

"Stop calling me that Asshole."

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