Worst Fear Came True

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Disha's POV:

"Hang in there Miss. Disha, we understand it's a difficult time but we wanted to let you know the reality so you can be mentally prepared for the worst." The doctor finished and more tears fell down my cheeks.

"Thank you Doctor. Can we stay with them tonight? My brother in law, their son is also with us currently he is with his parents." Shourya asked the doctor.

"Yes of course, in fact I hope being near to you guys gives them a new will and their bodies start responding positively." Doctor said and we came out of his cabin and went towards the room where my parents were.

We decided not to tell Nick about this, we decided to let the time does its work.

As we reached the room, we saw Nick stroking mom's cheeks lovingly and telling her that she will be fine soon. I felt like crying again but somehow managed to control.

I went to my dad and whispered in his ears that he need to wake up for us, his kids as we need him and he can't just loose will to live whenever he wants. He needs to live for us. I hoped he heard me and might wake up for us.

However as I finished talking to him and was about to move to my Mom's side I heard the monitors making various sounds and his breathing became heavy. Soon the nurses came running in the room and I moved away to give them space to do what is needed.

Soon Dr. Shrivastava was there too along with Dr. Sharma, they were trying to stable his breathing but it wasn't happening and within the span of five minutes we heard long beeping sound coming from monitor and a straight line showed up on two of the monitors. I looked at my Dad fearing for the worst and saw that he stopped breathing. He was laying there completely motionless and lifeless.

Nikhil was crying silently all this time but when he saw that straight line he hugged me real tight and tears escaped my eyes. I hugged him back.

"Di how could he do this? Please tell him I will score really good marks, my exams went really well and I will take business for further studies and not science. I will do as he will say but please tell him to wake up for us." Nikhil said in between cries.

After 10 years I saw him crying for the first time and I didn't know how to calm him and what to say since I myself told Dad those things too but I guess he just decided he wants to leave us on our own. We both hugged each for almost 10 minutes when suddenly Mom's monitors too made weird noises.

The doctors and nurses moved from my Dad's bedside to my mom's and they gave some sort of medication to stable her but I guess they both decided to leave us together and the next moment we heard the same long beep like before and there she was laying lifeless with her eyes closed. They both looked peaceful leaving my and Nikhil's world upside down.

Just this morning we were so happy laughing and now after few hours here we are standing in front of our dead parents. We both cried for god know how long. We calmed down only when Shourya hugged us both.

"Dishu, Nikhil I know its not easy but we need to stay strong for each other. We need to take them home. I have called my parents, they will reach home by the time we will reach. By the time we will reach it will already be night so we will have to do the final rights tomorrow morning. I have made arrangements to take them by air and the hospital is preparing for discharge documents, it will take about an hour. Before we leave we have to go to police station to collect their belongings." Shourya explained and I was looking at him dumbfounded.

They were my parents and it was my duty to handle all those responsibilities and here I was crying and lost when he was doing all that I should be doing. I don't know how I can ever pay him back for doing this and helping me and Nick in calming down.

Nick said he doesn't want to leave Mom Dad so I and Sourya went to Police Station alone.

We met the office who called me on my phone to inform about their accident. He gave us their belongings after some legal formalities and he also told us that this accident looked like a planned one, which means it might be possible that my parents were murdered.

I was shocked to the core, who would kill them, they were the nicest people on earth. It was too much to take in one day. I told the officer if we suspect anyone we will let him know.

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