Possessive Husband

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Disha's POV:

I woke up in Shourya's arms again, it's a beautiful sight to watch him sleeping peacefully like a baby.

I carefully removed his arm from my waist and was about to get up when his hands circled m waist again and pulled me in embrace.

"Where do you think you are going?" He said with his eyes closed. I chuckled at his tactics.

"Its 7:00 AM Shourya and I have to cook lunch for us before leaving for office." I said again trying to free myself from his hold but he didn't budge and his hold got tighter.

"Office? AS far as I remember you still have one more week of leave." He frowned at my mention of office.

"Yes I have one more week but since you are going to office, Nikhil is busy in his studies, our parents are not here, what will I do sitting at home idle for one week? So I thought I will just join back and I can use that one week later. Anyways I am in charge of 2 big projects its better to work on them rather then sitting idle." I replied looking at ceiling.

"Hmmmm makes sense." He replied.

"Makes sense right? Then leave me now else I will be late to reach office, I need to catch 9:00 AM bus." I replied trying to remove his hand again but he again tightened his grip on my waist. Whats wrong with him.

"Bus? Why bus? I will drop you." He said snuggling more into my neck. I felt a little ticklish with this act of his.

I giggled a little before looking at him.

"No I like to go by bus. I will go b bus. Just because I am married to you doesn't mean I have to change everything." I said firmly.

"I am not asking to change anything else, but I want to drop my wife. Is that a crime?" he asked staring me right in my eyes.

"No its not a crime but then your wife enjoys the bus ride more and it's a crime to keep your wife away from things she enjoys." I said smiling at him and he made a frowning face but didn't argue again.

"Now will you please leave me? I have to reach office today itself." I said pushing his hand off me. This time I used my full strength and since Shourya was not expecting he actually fell off the bed due to my sudden push.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at his shocked expression as he rubbed his bum.

"Hahahha look at your face." I said in between laughs.

"Ha ha very funny. I am going to get you for this." He said getting up.

I knew I am in problem now so I quickly jumped from bed and ran to the bathroom locking myself inside.

After finishing my bath I looked for my clothes and that's when I realized I forgot to bring my clothes because of my idiot husband.

I wrapped a towel on my body and slightly opened the door to peek outside. Didn't found Shourya in the room. As soon as I was about to enter the room I saw the door to our room opening, I jumped back in the bathroom and shut the door.

I peeked again and saw Shourya in front of his closet taking out his clothes. I hated to do this but didn't have any choice so I called him.



"Can you help me?" I asked in slow voice.

"And how may I help you?" he asked smirking at me.

"I.. forgot.. my clothes." I said with hesitation.

He smirked at me then opened my closet and passed me a pair of my business suit and a light pink shirt. I thanked him and quickly got dressed.

I came out of the bathroom and found him still smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him and ignored him. I finished combing my hair and my makeup quickly and left the room in hurry to go to kitchen.

Meera Didi already prepared breakfast. I wanted to prepare lunch but I am already running late because of the morning bickering with my idiot of a husband.

"Dishu its okay we can eat out. Lets finish breakfast and leave." Shourya said as he watched me looking at kitchen lost in my thought.

"I guess that the only option." I said as I sighed and sat down at the dining table.

"Where is Nikhil" Shourya asked.

"He must be sleeping. He stays awake whole night and sleeps at 4:00 AM. Let him sleep. He can eat once he wakes up." I replied as I quickly gulped down the glass of juice.

I picked my bag and laptop bag and was about to leave the house when Shourya called behind me.

I turned to see him coming towards me with his bag in his hand. He looked so handsome in those formals. I kept staring at him.

"Done checking me out?"

"What? In your dreams." I tried to deny that I was checking him out. He was totally worth it

"Well I believe you if you deny. Anyways let me drop you today, you can go by bus from tomorrow."

"Okay fine, but from tomorrow I am going by bus, that's final."

"As you wish."

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