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I am writing this on special request from @kelsey_69 for epilogue.

Thanks to all the readers for showering so much love on me and 'My Partner in Crime', we are about to reach the 10000 reading mark and it's an achievement for me which is possible because of your constant support.

To all my followers, I love you all and a big Thanks for your support and following me.

Please do read my new story 'When Love Calls'.


Disha's POV:

"Mr. Shourya Mehra, Where the hell are you? I am telling you Mr. if you dont come to see me in 5 minutes I will not let you meet her." I shouted on Shourya over the phone.

"I am on my way Dishu, I am so sorry, the flight got delayed else I would have reached three hours back and would have been there with you before her arrival." Shourya replied a little frightened of his wife.

Yes he was frightened because he knows better than to irritate me now. Why won't he be since my punishments are worse. Last time when he went to office without saying giving me a goodbye kiss, I sent 15 Aunties to kiss him on cheeks in his office. He was so embarrassed and pledged to never leave without giving me a good bye kiss.

Before that once when he shouted on me due to some office tension that too infront of Mom Dad and Nikhil, I didn't talk to him for two day and on top of that I punished him by feeding him bittergourd for those two days in all his meals.

I was remembering how these two years were so blissful for both of us. And now we are proud parents of our little angel Drishya. Grandma came up with this name and we all liked it.

These two years were very happy and successful for us, Since I joined our family business and it brought me and Shourya even closer. Nikhil and I kept visiting our Grandma(the queen) in Jaipur from time to time. Nikhil is  now in Med school living his dream of studying Medical and becoming a successful doctor. He wants to be a cardiologist.

He has a girlfriend now, her name is Tina. She is a very sweet girl, we all love her and Nikhil dote on her a lot. They both are in the same course and plan to work in the same hospital after finishing studies. Dad is planning to open a hospital for Nikhil so he can take charge once he is successful doctor and capable of handling a responsibility as big as handling a hospital.

I keep thanking my dead parents and God for making sure I marry in this lovely family who treat me and Nikhil no more then their own child Shourya.

I was still lost in my thoughts looking at sleeping Amaira when the door to my hospital room flung open and entered my man, my Shourya smiling widely coming towards me with a rose in his hand.

"Finally you are here. I missed you so much." I told him as he hugged me.

"I am Sorry Dishu, I tried to come as fast as possible. You know I never wanted to leave you alone when you were so close to delivery, if it wasnt for this emergency I would have never left your side." He said giving me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

"I know, dont feel all guilty." I said and he smiled.

"Awww she looks exactly like you, so beautiful and peaceful while sleeping." He said looking at sleeping Amaira.

"Do you mean I look beautiful and peaceful only when I am sleeping?" I raid my brows at him and he gulped knowing that if he couldn't clarify himself, he is dead meat.

"No Dishu, I mean she looks beautiful as you look always and right now she is looking peaceful while sleeping." He tried to explain and I giggled softly making sure I don't wake up Amaira.

"Hahahah look at your face Shourya, you look like you are so afraid of your wife. I am not that frightening okay." I said and he chuckled.

"No sweetheart, you are not frightening you are the death of me." He said and i blushed.

He was about to kiss me on my lips when our angel decided to welcome Daddy and at that instant she cried.

"Shhh shhh my baby, don't cry Daddy is here." He said as he picked her up.

The instant she heard his voice she stopped crying and he smirked at me. I smiled looking at his antics.

He was talking to Amaira in childish voice when I created a video and clicked a picture of both of them secretly. Soon Mom, Dad, Nikhil and Tina joined us in the room to play with Amaira since they didn't get a chance to see her yet.

I told them I want Shourya to be the first one after doctors, nurses and me to see and hold Amaira and they respected my wish. They all waited for past 2 hours patiently for Shourya to reach here and hold Amaira first so they all can do the same.

Soon she started crying and everyone left the room leaving me, Amaira and Shourya in the room. I was feeding her and Shourya sat on the chair close to my bed.

"How are you doing? Was it very painful? I am Sorry I couldn't be there for you." he said and I smiled at his concern.

"Shourya stop blaming and feeling guilty. I was fine, Mom, Dad and Nikhil were there for me and don't worry I took the epidural when I was close to push since I wasn't able to handle the pain and exhaustion anymore. Yes I missed you but that's okay, I know if it wasn't needed and you had another choice you would never go." I replied and he smiled.

"I love you both. By the way Grandma is coming tomorrow to see you both. She wanted to come directly to hospital but I told her to wait at home as you will be discharged tomorrow." he said and I nodded.

"Shourya can I ask you something?" I asked him very seriously.

"Do you need a permission?" He asked and I smiled but soon turned my expression to a serious one.

"I know but still promise you will not say no and do as I request." I asked seriously and he looked confused. I knew he was trying to guess what I was going to talk about so seriously.

"What is it Disha?" He asked and I asked him to promise first.

"Alright I promise I will not say no, and do as you ask me to." He said and I grinned like an idiot.

"Then here is your baby and here is her diaper, please change it Daddy." I said giving him the diaper and he glared at me.

I laughed and he shook his head.

"I dont know how to change the diaper, she is so fragile, what if I hurt her unknowingly?" He asked with worried expression on his face and I taught him how to do it after he promised he will do the next time.

Soon I drifted to sleep as I was too tired and Shourya went out to talk to Mom and Dad.

Next day we reached home, Mom made us wait at the door while she went inside to get the Pooja Thali to do the Aarti.

After the small ritual we all settled in the living room with sleeping Amaira in Shourya's arms. Grandma gave me and Amaira so many gifts, some of them she bought and some were from uncle and Auntie.

She brought gifts for Shourya, Nikhil and Tina too. When they were all busy talking and joking, I was busy admiring my beautiful family who I love to the core and can do anything for them. 

"Thanks Mom and Dad, I wish you were here to see how happy your children are and how beautiful your granddaughter is." a lone tear escaped my eyes as I thanked my parents mentally.

"What happened Disha beta? Why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere?" Mom asked worriedly and I shook my head.

"No Mom, just missing Mom and Dad. They would have been very happy if they were here." I said and saw everyone's expression changed to sad one.

"Hey people please don't be sad, they are still happy and watching us from up there. They don't want us to miss them too much that's why they sent Amaira. So please don't be sad, see even I am not crying." I said wiping my tear, they all smiled and hugged me.

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