Saying Sorry

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Shourya's POV

I couldn't believe she kicked me out of room for sharing my feelings with her brother first then her. Any ways I and Nikhil planned already to make her mood better in the morning, for now we both were tired and wanted to sleep.

Next morning we both woke up to a loud alarm at 6:00 AM. Although we both wanted to sleep more but since we had a plan to bring into action, we had to leave bed.

After one hour of hard-work we were finally able to fix some decent sandwiches and noodles. We placed breakfast on the dining table along with coffee just the way Dishu likes and we sat there waiting for her.

Soon Disha walked down the stairs and sat on one of the chairs at dining table. As soon as she sat, I and Nikhil served her breakfast. She looked at the plate full of food in front of her and raised her eyebrows.

"Did you two made all of this?"

"Yes we did. Only for you Di. Shourya made me help him. See how much he values you." Nikhil replied.

"Yeah whatever." She replied and started digging into the food on her plate.

She ate the whole thing without making any comment or compliment. I and Nikhil waited but she didn't say a word. I felt disappointed.

"Come on Di, say something. Look at my poor Jiju he has been waiting for you to say something." Nikhil said but she still didn't replied. Although I could see a slight smile on her face which she was trying to hide. It was evident she was just teasing me.

"She won't say anything maybe we should make her speak." I said as I winked at Nikhil. He understood what I meant.

We both got up from our seats, we saw Disha getting up too as she sensed what we were about to do. She started to turn and run upstairs but I caught him midway before she even reached stairs by her waist.

I and Nikhil started tickling her and she laughed trying to escape.

"Okay fine, I am not angry." She said in between in her laughs.

"But still you chose to tease us. Now take the punishment." I said and kept tickling her.

"Okay Sorry, Sorry. Please Shourya." She said again between her laughs. She was hysterical now so I let her go.

"Don't mess with me next time Mrs. Mehra." I said.

"Don't act too high and mighty Mr. Mehra. I will take revenge." She replied.

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