Possessive Husband-2

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Shourya's POV:

It was 5:00 PM already and I was trying to finish up my work but one or the other thing kept coming up. I messaged Disha that I will be little late but will be there by 6:00 PM to pick her up.

She replied saying I don't have to worry and Mukul will drop her as her work is already finished.

I hate that guy, there is something weird about him. Anyways I tried to finish up quickly so I can go home as soon as possible.

When I reached home it was already 6:30 PM. I was about to ring the doorbell when Disha opened the door, she was smiling at me. God her smile is so breath-taking. I wonder why I never noticed this before we got married.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked entering the house.

"Mr. Mehra looks like you are too tired to use your brains. You have a car with which you travel to office and home." She replied sarcastically taking my bag from my hand.

She climbed the stairs with my bag in her hand and I followed her to our room.

She kept the bag close to her laptop bag on the study table in our room and took out a pair or casual clothes from closet for me.

I smiled at her actions, she is acting like the tv-serial type wife who need to do all her husband's small works. I chuckled at the thought that the wild cat turned into a pet one.

I went towards her and hugged her from behind putting my chin on her shoulder.

"What happened to you suddenly?"

"Nothing, just felt like hugging you."

"Hmmm so Mr. Shourya please control your feelings as I have to prepare dinner. Nikhil is starving already and I am sure you must be hungry too."

"Why do you have to cook? I told you maids and Meera Didi can do that job. You stay here with me."

"And I told you already that I want to cook. Anyways we can argue later you go freshen up. Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes."

"Aye Aye Captain."

She rushed downstairs to the kitchen and I went towards bathroom.

After dinner when we came back to our room, I wanted to ask Disha something about Mukul but wasn't sure how to start the conversation.

Disha was working on her laptop on the bed half lying. I sat close to her.

"Ahem Ahem"

She looked at me and shut her laptop. After putting it on the side table she looked at me.

"What is it?"

"Umm I wanted to ask you something."

"Then ask, why so much of hesitation?"

"Ummm What do you think about Mukul?"

"Mukul? What about him? What do you mean what do I think about him?"

"I mean what do you think about him as a person?"

"Why are you asking? What is it to you?"

"Will you tell me or not?"

"No, I don't like the way you are asking me this. Its as if like you are doubting me."

"Oh for gods sake I am not doubting you. But I want to know your opinion about him."

"If you are not doubting me then why the hell it matters what I think about Mukul or not?"

"What the hell Dishu, I just want to know because I don't get a good vibe from him."

"What vibe? Wat are you talking about?"

"Okay listen Dishu, please don't take me wrong but I have met her about three times now including our wedding and every time I met him I felt he doesn't take you only as a friend like you do. That's why I wanted to know how is he as a person, what do you think about him?"

"You could have asked directly."

"Will you tell me now or no?"

"Well Mukul is a nice guy a gentleman and yes I know he likes me but I have always ignored it because I don't feel anything for him. He tried to propose to me once and I rejected. WE are only good friends okay so please stop thinking too much."

"I am not thinking too much Dishu, I love you and I care for you alright. I know you only treat him as friends but I am not so sure that he treats you the same."

"Shourya, you are worrying too much. I know how to handle such situations if he thinks something else. Relax alright I am not a kid."

"I know you are not a kid but I cant stop myself from worrying for my wife."

"Awww you are so cute." She said and hugged me.

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