Emergency Return

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Disha's POV:

We were almost ready to head out to another beautiful beach when his phone rang, it was his mom.

"Hi Mom, How are you?" he greeted as he picked up the call.

"Oh Okay, Uh huh. Don't worry we will leave from here as soon as possible." He finished his call and turned towards me.

"Sorry Dishu, we will have to cut this trip short and have to go back the first flight we get." He said looking at me as he started fetching our clothes from drawers.

"That's okay but what happened? Tell me, you scaring me by creating this suspense." I asked him impatiently. I too started gathering our stuff and pack everything in our luggage.

"Mom's brother is not well, he got a heart attack last night. Both the parents are going there and want us to come back home since Nikhil has exams he will be staying with us and I am needed at office in absence of both Dads." He explained.

We were done checking out and were heading to Airport now, our tickets were preponed too. As much as we wanted to stay we understood our priorities, and its not like we were teenagers who have no idea about their future, we will get as many vacations like this we want in our future.

When we reached home it was 11:00 PM, we entered the house only to find both families waiting for us.

I went ahead to touch the feet of my Father in Law and Mom in law but they stopped me and reminded me that they told me not to do that since Shourya doesn't do that too.

Besides they have seen me since childhood and treated me as their daughter so they don't want to change a thing only because I married their son.

Shourya got the same response from my parents when he went to touch their feet.

We both looked at each other and smiled. Mom I mean my mom in law asked me to come in her room and I followed her.

" Beta, you are now part of our family and capable of handling everything. I don't know for how long we will be gone so here are the keys to the locker in my room. There is cash in there whenever you need don't hesitate. And this is another key to my studio, Please try and visit whenever possible for you, although my assistant will take care of everything but it will be great if you can visit in between. Its best to have family supervise in between."

"Sure ma, I will visit and let you know how is it going there. Don't worry Mamaji (Maternal Uncle) will be fine. You help him recover and don't worry about here." I assured her.

"I know I don't have to worry about here and Shourya when you are there. And I can sense even though your trip was cut short things are different now in between the two of you. I am happy about this sweet change and I wish it keeps progressing more each day." Mom said with tears in her eyes.

"Ma we are fine, this trip definitely helped us sort our differences. Don't worry about us, we will learn everything eventually and if not you can teach us by pulling our ears whenever we are wrong." I replied smiling and winking at her.

"Hahahha don't worry that I will surely do. But I know there won't be a need since you both can handle and understand each other very well even though you don't realize. We have to leave now beta so you both take care and yes Nikhil will live here with you both since he has exams and your parents are also coming with us. After all they are long term friends with my brother too so they want to be there." Mom replied with misty eyes.

"Oh that's perfect that way I wont be worried about him, actually even I was thinking about the same that we call him to live with us. HE is very careless if there is nobody to control him. And Ma don't worry about us, we will be fine. Just enjoy your time with Mamaji." I replied with a smile which made her smile too.

When we entered the living room, My parents and my Dad in law were waiting eagerly for mom.

"We should head now else we will miss our flight. Let's move." Dad in law said.

My parents agreed and they all left for airport after bidding us goodbye.

After they left I went to kitchen to see what I can cook for dinner while Shourya helped Nikhil bringing his luggage to the guest room.

I was still searching for ingredients since I never cooked in this kitchen though I have been here numerous times before with Ma but none of us cooked, I was looking inside the refrigerator to see what ingredients I can find to prepare a decent meal when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my stomach.

"Shourya, what are you doing? Nikhil will see us. Go out, let me prepare dinner." I fake angered him.

"Leave it no Disha, Mom seldom cooks too. Lets order something, anyways you must be tired from the journey." Shourya said as he pulled me away from the refrigerator and closed the door of refrigerator behind me.

"Okay fine but we are not eating out everyday." I replied making a stern face as I am a boss declaring something.

"Yes Mam. We will all be your helpers if you need but please for now lets order I am hungry." He said making a cute face like a 5 year old.

I couldn't help but chuckled at his cuteness. We both went to living room where Nikhil was seated and Shourya placed the order for delivery after discussing with Nikhil.

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