Sharing Secrets

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Shourya's POV:

Today was Wednesday, after more than 2 weeks I joined back office, although I was handling important matters from home. Finally Disha too went to her office.

Although she went today to resign. She decided to join me and Dad till Nikhil is ready to join us.

I was slammed with work pretty much all day and didn't realize it was already 7:00 PM. Shoot I forgot I told Disha I will pick her up. But why didn't she call me? She could have called right?

I called her on cell phone, after a few rings finally she picked up.

"Hello DIshu"

"Hi Shourya"

"I am so Sorry I got so busy, Are you still at office?"

"It's okay Shourya, no I am home, I met with Rohan and Rhea at lunch after that they dropped me home. When will you reach home?" She asked.

"I will need 30 more minutes to finish then I will be home soon." I said and we hung up.

When I reached home I found Mom and Disha in the kitchen talking and laughing while cooking, It was like after forever I was watching Disha laughing.

"Hey you are home" Mom said as she came to me and hugged me.

Disha looked at me with a smile at her face. I looked around but couldn't find Dad and Nikhil.

"Where is Dad and Nikhil?" I asked no one in particular.

"Your Dad is in his study, and Nikhil is in his room." Mom replied.

"You know Nikhil stays in room a lot. Now that his exams are over he should go out and enjoy. I don't think its healthy for him. If he stays in room too much he will just keep thinking about Uncle and Auntie." I said looking at Mom and Disha.

"You are right, I was thinking the same. Now that I have resigned and still have some days to join you and Dad, I think I will take him out tomorrow and talk to him.

"Yeah I think its necessary. Anyways I am going to check on him." I said and climbed the stairs to go towards Nikhil's room.

I knocked on the door to Nikhil's room, he opened the door. He had messy hair, groggy eyes, he didn't look too good.

"Hey Can I come in buddy?" I asked

"Of course Jiju. How was your day?" He asked plopping on the bed and rubbing his eyes.

"Well my day was fine but looks like someone spent the whole day in the room sleeping." I said sitting down on the chair.

"Nothing much to do after the exams and before the admission to the college." Nikhil said.

"Don't you have friends? Go out, watch movies, have fun Nikhil. If you want you can come to office sometime we can have lunch together." I offered.

"Thanks Jiju, I will someday. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure you know you can ask me or talk to me about anything any time."

"What did the police officer in Jaipur called you for? Did he say something about the accident?"

"Why are you asking that? Do you know something?"

"I don't know I have a feeling this was not an accident and why would mom dad go to Jaipur? None of their friends or relatives live there. And they were acting weird before they left. They pretty much packed all my stuff as if they knew I was not going to live in that house for a long time."

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I didn't know that they will never return, I felt something was weird in the hospital in Jaipur but then we were all very busy last couple weeks with relatives, last rights etc."

"So do you suspect something or someone?"

"not really but I need to tell you something. A year ago I found out that I and Di were adopted, when I talked to Mom and Dad they told me they never wanted us to think like they were doing a favour on us and that they love us like their own and I knew it, I never doubted that. They made me promise not to tell Di. But since then I noticed they were mostly whispering to each other and tensed about something.

I think that must be one of the reasons that they got you guys married in such hurry and made a will too right after the wedding as if they knew something is going to happen."

"For how long you have known all of this?"

"Since they were gone, all I did was joining two and two together."

"Wow why didn't you say something earlier?"

"I didn't know how to tell Di or you but I guess I had to so I did today."

"Well I am glad you did because we too just found out about the adoption thing and we too were trying to find some clues because the police said it didn't look like an accident."

"What? Di knows about the adoption?"

"Yes she does, we went to your parents house yesterday to find some clues but didn't find anything suspicious, although while looking for clues we came across yours and her adoption document."

"Oh okay. So can you guys please include me the next time you find anything or go look for something?"

"Sure, we were not sure earlier but now we think there is definitely something hidden and we need to find that out."

"Now lets leave all this for a while and lets go downstairs, your sister is worried for you since you keep yourself locked in the room these days."

"Sure give me 5 minutes to change and look presentable."

After dinner I Disha and Nikhil went on a walk and discussed what we should do next. We decided to let my parents know about everything we know, since they were friends with Disha's parents for a really long time may be they know something.

When we came back from walk we talked to my parents and told them everything. They were shocked since they didn't have a clue about anything. 

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