Jealous Wifey

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Disha's POV:

Our parents are coming in few days as Mamaji's health is now improving. Today is Friday and Nikhil's last exam. He is very happy and so is Shourya. Don't know what's his reason for being so happy? They both decided we should party tonight.

I just returned home from office and currently resting in our room. Nikhil is sleeping too in his room since he didn't sleep much last night. I was going through my social media account when I saw a notification. It was a photo added by some girl tagging Shourya.

'Good Old Days. Miss you Shourya Mehra, Love to you' was written under the photo and there were three kissing emoji attached at the end.

I was fuming with anger now. Who the hell is this girl and how dare she say she loves him. On top of it he had liked the post.

I logged out of the social media account fuming. I threw my phone on the bed and went to the kitchen to find my stress buster, my first love Ice cream in the refrigerator.

I was so indulged in eating my first love that I didn't realize when Shourya entered the house and was looking at me with an amused expression.

"It looks very tasty." He said startling me.

"Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with you? I could have got a heart attack. Stop sneaking like this."

"Sorry but you were looking very cute."

"Huh don't act too loving and innocent."

"Act? Do you think I am acting?"

"Of course you are. When you are getting kisses outside from other girls why would I look cute to you?"

"Disha have you gone mad? Which other girls and what kisses?"

"Oh yeah right, I am mad. You are the one liking pictures from random girls who claim to love you and sending you kissing emoji and I am the one who is mad. Great just great. You know what Shourya, go to hell."

"It was just a post, and she is not a random girl, she is Tanya my very good friend from college."

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't I see that good friend on yours on our wedding?"

"Because she stays in London now."

"Oh wow and she still send you kisses from London."

"You are just being jealous and that too for no reason."

"Just for your information I am not jealous. You can too kiss her for all I care."

"Fine as you wish."

"What did you say Mr. Shourya Mehra?"

"I said I will do as you wish."

"You dare go and touch another girl and I will kill you. You are only mine." With that I pulled him by collar and landed my lips on his.

I kissed him with all my anger and jealousy poured in it. I bit him hard on his lower lip for telling me he will kiss Tanya. I was angry and in no mood to let him go.

We parted when we both ran out of breath. I was still angry and looked at him angrily.

He was smirking at me, his hands were resting on either sides of my waist.

He leaned down and whispered in my ears, "You look sexy when you are jealous."

"Get lost Asshole if you want to stay alive else I will rip you apart."

"Oh god woman, I thought you calmed down. Listen she is only a good friend and those kisses were only friendly kisses."

"Oh yeah, fine then if tomorrow Mukul gives me any friendly kisses then don't complain okay." I spat and turned to leave for our room when I saw Nikhil standing on the stairs.

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