The Homecoming

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Shourya's POV:

When I got a call from Nikhil, I knew he is safe till now and I was amazed at his ability to get the phone and call me but I just hope it wont get him into trouble.

I told Mom Dad and Dishu what Nikhil said. We all decided to take the help of police and Dad called the Commissioner of police who is also Dad's friend, we decided to tell him everything and not meet in person just in case we were followed.

WE explained him everything from Disha's parents death to Nikhil's kidnap. We told them we have the key but we don't know where it belongs and hence we don't feel comfortable giving it away. We shared Nikhil's phone number and he assured us to give a call back in 30 minutes with his last location.

Commissioner Singh promised us he will take help of the best officer and will look into the case himself in order to not leave any loose ends.

We waited patiently in our living room, after 30 minutes Dad received a call from Commissioner Singh. They found the last location of Nikhil's phone before it turned off. It was an abandoned warehouse close to Delhi Chandigarh Highway.

We discussed the strategy and decided that Commissioner will reach the spot with his team and I will reach there separately but at the same time.

We reached there in another hour and parked our cars close to highway and walked towards the warehouse from all sides so they can't escape.

As we moved closer we could see some lights and hear some distant voices.

The police officers along with Commissioner Singh went ahead inside the warehouse followed by me.

There were 3 people sitting on the chairs surrounding a table in the middle of the warehouse drinking alcohol and laughing about something when suddenly Police circled them and had their guns on their heads. Couple police officers removed all the guns from those men's table and around the warehouse, they found some drugs too. The men were arrested and after looking for 10 minutes we found the room where Nikhil was kept.

I ran to Nikhil as soon as Police opened the room and made sure there was no one inside that room except for Nikhil who was laying on floor tied up with ropes.

I freed him and he hugged me.

"Jiju, you are here finally."

"Thank God you are fine. We were all scared for you, your sister the most. Lets get you out of here."

We went to my car and after a hour and 15 minutes we reached home. Nikhil didn't have any injuries just some bruises from being tied with rope.

As soon as we reached home and got off the car, Disha ran out of the house and hugged Nikhil like her life depends on it.

Mom and Dad too came out and hugged Nikhil, after examining him and satisfied that he doesn't have any injuries we all went inside the house.

After asking various questions by Mom and Disha about how they treated him and if he is hurt anywhere etc. Nikhil was allowed to go to his room to freshen up before dinner.

I too went to my room to shower and change. I was just about to go into shower when a pair of arms hugged me tightly from behind, I didn't have to turn to know whose arms were these.

"Thank you so much"

"Hey why are you saying thanks? Don't I have any relationship with him? He is my brother too, all those years when we didn't get along he was still a brother to me and never treated me badly even though I was mean to his sister."

She kissed my shoulder still hugging me, I turned and pulled her chin up with my left hand while my right hand rested on her waist. Her eyes met mine, she had tears in her eyes. Since the time she got the call about Nikhil being kidnapped she didn't shed a singly tear but now that he was back looked like she couldn't control anymore.

Tears started flowing from her eyes, I wiped them but they kept flowing. She sank her head in my chest and soaked it with her tears, my heart ached watching her crying. I felt so helpless, first her parents left us suddenly and now Nikhil was kidnapped when she was just getting back to normal.

I kissed her forehead and assured her this will never happen again.

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