Jealous Fiance

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It was a week after that eventful evening when I suddenly became fiancé to Shourya Mehra, my life became a little peaceful as the teasing and comments from Shourya and Rohan were stopped. I was somewhat impressed by Shourya for trying to change.

I was walking towards the bus stop when I saw the bus was already there, I looked at the wristwatch and found out that the bus was 10 minutes early today. I ran towards the bus but the bus left before I reached the bus stop. I sighed and thought to take my car today to the office, as I turned towards my home I heard a car honking behind me. I turned to see the handsome face of Shourya.

"Get in I will drop you."

"Uhh that's fine, I will take my car."

"Disha get in. I want to drop you."

I reluctantly got in his car and he started driving towards my office.

"Disha, we are getting married in two weeks."

"I know that Shourya."

"Then don't you think we should meet often? Would you like to go out with me tonight after the office for dinner?"

"Umm Okay."

"What is it Disha? What's bothering you?

"Nothing. I am fine. It's just the tension at work. I have a big project that I am leading and suddenly our parents decided to put this wedding on us. It's overwhelming."

"I can understand. If you want I can talk to them to postpone the wedding."

"No that's okay. Anyways they have already got the invitations printed and booked the venue."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I just have to figure out a way to finish the majority of work before the wedding so when I come back to work after the wedding, its all up and ready to launch."

"I am sure you will be able to manage."

"How are you sure when I am not?"

"Because you have always been like this, underestimating yourself and taking too much pressure on yourself when you know how to handle the situation effortlessly."

I was stunned when he made that statement. Was he really talking about me? Did he actually think like that about me? I thought he only can find flaws in me about which he can joke around.

Soon we reached in front of my office building. I quickly said Bye to him and got down without even waiting for him to reply.

As I was moving towards the building I heard my name, I looked in the direction and saw Mukul coming.

Mukul: "Hey Disha, Good Morning."

Disha: "Hi Mukul. Good Morning. How are you?"

Mukul: "I am good. You missed the bus today?"

Disha: "Umm yeah."

Mukul: "All set for the big meeting?"

Disha: "Hell yeah. I am sure this will be our big break in the international market."

Mukul: "Let's go then, we have to look at the presentation final time before the meeting."

We were about to move towards the office building when I heard my name again. I turned, it was Shourya. I didn't realize he was still there, he was moving towards me. Why was he still there? Didn't I say bye to him already?

Shourya: "Disha, I forgot to give you something."

Disha: "Huh? What?"

Shourya: "This" Then he came close to me and kissed my forehead. I was shocked, what happened to him suddenly? Did he just kiss my forehead?

Shourya's POV:

Disha got down the car quickly as in she was in a hurry. I thought she must have a lot of work so she was rushing towards the office when I heard someone calling her.

It was a man, calling her. Disha stopped in her tracks and I saw the man moving towards her. Disha was smiling at him.

She never smiles at me like that. Am I that Annoying? They were talking about work but I could see the shine in that Man's eyes when he talked to Disha. I didn't like it somehow. So I got off the car and called her.

"Disha, I forgot to give you something," I called her.

"Huh? What?" She replied confused

"This" Then I went close to her and kissed her forehead. She looked shocked and I felt amused looking at her expression.

I soon moved my gaze from her to the man.

"Mukul this is Shourya." Disha introduced me to the man as she followed my gaze.

"Her fiancé" I added with a big grin on my face as I extend my hand for a handshake.

"Hi, I am Mukul, her colleague, and a good friend." The man replied. I could see sadness and shock in his eyes.

"I didn't know you got engaged. When did it happen and why didn't you tell me?" He looked at Disha as asked.

"Umm, it was sudden, happened last weekend when you dropped me home. The formal ceremony is yet to happen so I thought I will break the news then." Disha replied awkwardly. I could sense she wasn't happy so I decided its best to leave for now.

"I will leave for the office now. All the Best for your meeting and I will pick you up at 6:00." I said and left after saying Bye to both of them.

I was smiling all the way to the office remembering the look on Mukul's face when he heard I am Disha's fiancé. I knew he didn't want to stay her friend always by looking at his eyes so I thought its best if he doesn't raise his hopes. Disha is going to be my wife after all, shouldn't I be protecting her.

I was just parking my car in the office parking when I got a call from Disha. I picked up the call with a smile.

"Hi, Disha. What's up?" I asked casually as I picked her call.

"What was that Shourya?" She was almost yelling.

"What was what? I didn't get you?" I asked confused.

"Why the hell did you behaved that way in front of Mukul? Why did you kiss me? We are not that close then why the pretense?" She asked demanding an explanation for my actions. I didn't like her questioning, it's not like I lied.

"You are not happy that I told Mukul that you are my fiancé?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yes. He is my friend and it's my decision to tell him not yours." She replied as if she was ashamed.

"How does it matter who told him, he needs to know it before he makes any advances towards you. And by the way, I kissed your forehead, it wasn't really a kiss. Unless you want one." I replied annoyingly knowing it would shut her up.

"Ewww. Shourya you are disgusting." She hung up the call.

I smirked at her reaction and at the same time, I felt bad that she doesn't want to tell her friends about us getting married. Is she ashamed to get married to me? Am I that bad of a person? I kept thinking for god knows how long before I was called in for the board meeting by her dad.

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