Visiting Jaipur

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Disha's POV:

It's been 2 days since Nick was back, Shourya have been in constant contact with police to find out who ordered those men to kidnap Nick. Finally after a lot of beating today they confessed that someone from the very powerful royal family of Jaipur was behind Nick's kidnap. I have been racking my brain since I got the information, why would they need the key and why would they want to harm Nick?

I wish Mom and Dad would have shared anything with me rather than hiding things. We could have solved the problems together rather than us doing the guesswork.

I joined Shourya and Dad in office a week back, I am still learning about the departments and how they function in our company. I, Shourya and Dad were riding back home when Shourya suggested that he, I and Nick should go to Jaipur once to find out the truth so we can sort this out before the person behind Nick's kidnapping does something worse.

Dad agreed with him and I too thought that is the best we could do since we are not able to find any answers in Delhi.

We decided in 2 days we will leave for Jaipur, meanwhile Shourya was overloaded with work,, he had plenty of meetings. Even though we drove to work together every day, I was dropped home by the driver since Shourya and Dad would come home after 10:00 PM.

Today we three left for Jaipur, Mom was worried about us since my parents met with accident or should I say murdered in Jaipur.

We reached Jaipur and tried to contact the royal family, but we couldn't get hold of them. So we thought to stay in Jaipur for few days and try every day.

While we were waiting we decided to look around and do some sightseeing till we get a clue of anyone from the royal family whom we can meet.

We decided to visit the city palace as half of the city palace is turned into museum and the royal family stays in the rest of the half.

We decided not to think about anything else today and just enjoy ourselves. We were looking through the old dresses and ornaments of kings and queens from old generations and I suddenly felt like I need to go shopping.

I knew Shourya and Nikhil will be irritated with the word Shopping, I know Nikhil does and Mom told me Shourya hates shopping, so I thought to ask them to watch a movie or something while I shop.

"Hey guys do you like want to watch a movie or something?" I asked hoping they would say yes.

"No Di, we can watch movie in Delhi too. Lets go visit the other palaces, I want to visit the Nahargarh Palace, it has the place where they have the spot shown in movie 'Rang De Basanti' where the actors jump in water and sit on the stairs.

And there is also this Jaigarh Palace which has the world's largest cannon, which was fired only once for a trial and never used again. It must be so cool." Nikhil said with all the enthusiasm visible in his eyes.

"We can do that tomorrow Nikhil, as all those palaces are in the same direction and might eat up a whole day. Lets do something else today but I don't want to watch any movie either Dishu." Shourya said responding to both of us siblings.

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked him

"Well I definitely want to do something naughty if you can send Nikhil for movie." He leaned and whispered in my ear and I turned into a tomato and glared at him silently telling him to shut up and he smirked at me.

"Guys please go for a movie, you know Rajmandir is Asia's most beautiful cinema hall and currently playing a nice Bollywood movie too." I said trying to convince them again.

"Wat do you mean go for a movie? You are not coming?" Shourya asked while Nick shifted his interest to the arms showed in display at the city palace museum. Yes we were discussing while standing inside the museum.

"Well I kind of want to go shopping in the local market." I said sheepishly.

"No way I'm not going to a girly shopping spree." Nikhil shrieked.

"Aww sweet heart why didn't you say earlier you want to go shopping?" Shourya asked side hugging me and I saw Nikhil rolling his eyes.

"Don't tell me Jiju you are going to shopping." Nick said rolling his eyes again.

"Of course I am since that's what my wife wants to do." Shourya said looking dotingly at me.

"O God really you guys? Fine I will go watch a movie but please Di finish by the time my movie gets over." Nick said and got a look from both me and Shourya.

"You are not going anywhere alone buddy, we don't any more kidnaps in an unknown territory alright." Shourya said giving him a tough look.

"Oh Come on I am not going to kidnap every time I go somewhere alone alright. And besides I was the one who was able to call you so you could find me." Nick said irritated that Shourya was treating him like a 10 year old.

"I know buddy but still we all are still under the threat. Whoever ordered for your kidnap is still roaming free. I am not letting any of you two alone, you get that?" Shourya said sternly while he held my hand.

"Shourya calm down, it's okay lets go for a movie then, Nick will be bored to death if we take him shopping." I said.

"Nope my wife wants to go shopping, we will go shopping. We can do what my brother in law wants after the shopping." Shourya announced and Nicks face fell.

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