Chapter 2~And so the madness begins

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Touma's POV
Once I arrive at my new school I go grab a map of the school and my schedule.

'1st period-room 605.' I read from my schedule.

I knock on the classroom door and the teacher,I'm assuming,opens the door.

"Ah you must be the new transfer student Touma", I nod.

(A/n I have no idea what Japanese school is like so Ima just make it like my school)

I look around a immediately spot y/n. She's talking with one of her friends, the teacher goes to his desk and looks at something, then looks back at me

"Well nice to meet you Touma, I'm Mr. Takahashi."

(A/n Idk , it was the first name to just pop in my mind)

"Now, let's see..."

I notice Mr.Takahashi look at a piece of paper, a seating chart I guess....I look back at y/n and notice some guy talking to her.

'He's probably just one of her friends...'

I look around and notice a kid with black hair who's listening to music watch me.

'Why does he keep staring at me...?'

Mr. Takakhashi looks back up to me and points to the person who was just staring at me.

"There's an empty seat over by Reo, as you can see the other students are just doing whatever they want but know that this class is not some napping class. Now, go."

I walk over to the seat the teacher pointed at and sat down. The person who was staring at me takes out his headphones and puts his phone away. I look over back at y/n to see the same guy kissing her hand.....I just notice y/n wearing a varsity jacket with a boy's name on the back and the number 14.

'Is that....her boyfriend?'

I doubt it....I then see that boy kiss y/n and go back to his seat.

' his fault....HE charmed my y/n..HE made her fall in love with him...HE TOOK AWAY MY Y/N'

I think to myself while glaring at the scene. I feel a light tap at my shoulder and look over to the guy sitting next to me.

"You seem interested in y/n.....say, do you like her? Already on your first day?''

This guy is starting to get on my nerves......He seemed to get I was getting annoyed and started talking again,

"I'm Reo, Reo Aki. All I'm saying is that, it's never going to happen, so don't get your hopes up. That guy who kissed her is her boyfriend and is VERY protective of her. One time, he beat up a guy just for having a crush on y/n."

This intrigued me...I guess this guy might be a hard rival to get rid of....I hate him so much for taking away my y/n....I hate him so much I could kill him.

"I'm Touma Tanaka, what's that's guy's name?"

I want to have some fun before I eliminate him...I could spread some rumors about him, embarrass him, and make his life a total hell....."His name is Itzuki Amano" Before I could ask him some more ,Mr.Takahashi got the class's attention and began teaching us about some random things I didn't know.

'I'll get my y/n back...I will. Even if it's the last thing I do.'

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello readers! How are you enjoying the book so far? If you have any suggestions go ahead and comment. Cya later!


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