Chapter 22~Unexpected

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Asahi's POV
I knock on Touma's door and check the time on my watch.

'10:11 a.m...'

On my shoulder I carry a backpack with my bathing suit, towel,my phone,and a special item I will be keeping with me inside the pool....just in case.

Touma opens up the door and smiles at me.

"Ah! Just in time. Come on in bro."

Touma opens up the door widely for me and I take a step inside.

Touma's house was a nice,simple home,that was not THAT messy...but messy.

I walk a bit into the house and notice a guy,just standing by the stove dark eyes,black as night hair,and a face mask on.

Touma takes notice of my staring and starts speaking.

"Take that off Anthony! It is not very polite of you to have a face mask on in front of your new friend so you don't have to speak."

Touma scolds,who I believe is 'Anthony',about.


Anthony then takes off his face mask and sighs.

"Now, Asahi this is Anthony. Anthony this is Asahi."

"Hello, I am Asahi."

"U-um. Hi,I'm Anthony...."

"Alright, did you guys bring your swimsuits like I said?"

Me and Anthony both then nod.

"Okay then, let's all get changed and meet at the back of the house by the pool. Alright?"


"Fine by me."

I then get my trunks out of my backpack and head over to the bathroom.

There, I change my clothes and gather up my regular clothes. I walk out of the bathroom and then put my clothes on top of my bag where I had set down on the floor.

But before I leave to go to the pool behind Touma's house, I grab the special item from my bag and put it into my pocket.

I then go out the front door and go to the back of Touma's house, too see Anthony and Touma already there.

"What took you so longg?"

Touma's POV
Me and Anthony were standing by the pool,waiting for Asahi.

'So how should I do this...? Hmm, lure him into the deep end? No. Choke him? No. I know! Just push his head down under water until he drowns. That way, there is no blood, AND no mess to clean up.'

Anthony already knows about my crazy behavior. In fact, he and me are very alike in many ways. First, we are both....what you call.......yanderes. We both need assistance from eachother to eliminate rivals...and. We both are insane.

After a bit of waiting, me and Anthony both spot Asahi come into view.

"What took you so longg?"

"Sorry, I had to check something first."

"It's fine. Let's just get in the pool already."

And with that, I back up a bit and begin running then I jump in.

Anthony then does the same thing, and then Asahi.

'Asahi looks tense..and prepared to run away if I try to eliminate him now.....I need to do it when he has his guard down....'

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