Chapter 24~Realization

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Touma's POV
After a while of walking, I reach the school gates and enter.

There, I see students just talking and on their phones. I spot Y/n within the crowd and my cheeks heat up.

'God...she's just perfect...Soon she'll be mine....'

I see her just staring at Reo's direction where Reo and her friend were talking.

I approach her and tap her shoulder.

"Hey Y-Y/n..."

'Dammit stop stuttering!'

Y/n then turns around to face me and gives me a absolutely adorable smile.

'Soon, that smile will belong to me... and no one else.'

"Ah, hello Touma. How are you?"

"I am doing well....what about you?''

"Fine, thanks for asking."

Soon after, the bell rang, signalling students could now enter the building and Y/n's friend walks over towards us.

She gives me a suspicious look.

"Come on Y/n, let's go...."

"Whatt? Now? What abou-"

"He's none of our concern."

And with that, the girl then drags my future wife away from me and I grow more agrivated.

'Grr.....she keeps interfering in my plans....she needs to go...she is so annoying and getting in the way.'

I continue thinking to myself as I make my way to the gym, where I would observe Y/n's friend to find out the best way to eliminate her.

I sit a few couple of rows away from Y/n and Danielle and observe closely.

I try to listen to their conversation and I over hear some parts.


"I'm telling you Y/n! You have a yandere! We have to get out of this crazy town!"

"Danielle, just because a lot of people who are close to me are gone now doesn't mean I have a yandere....You seem really tense lately, are you okay?"

'Dammit....that girl is getting on to me...I need to get rid of'

(A/n~ remember this is Touma's POV)

"Y/n, please. I'm telling you, something is not right does not feel safe...please..I don't want neither you or me to get hurt...."

"Just calm down and relax a bit, don't worry....We will be are just a bit paranoid because a few people dissappeared....We just need to learn to let them go....okay?"

Y/n's friend sighs and gives Y/n a worried look.

"Please...believe me..."

And with that, the bell rings and all the students,including me,begin to walk to their 1st period,while some were deciding to skip.

'I am not going to let you plant crazy ideas in MY Y/n........I'll make sure you stay out of the way....I just need to figure out how to eliminate her...'

I continue walking to my 1st period with a million thoughts in my mind. I see Reo already sitting down and I take my seat next to him.

'Now that I think about it, I should eliminate Reo as well....he might get in the way and ruin everything....'

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