Chapter 21~Connected

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H/l~Hair Length
H/c~Hair color
F/c~Favorite color
F/a~Favorite animal

Touma's POV
I walk out of my 8th period class and begin walking to the front of the school. I spot Asahi in the crowd of students in the hallway and run around the crowd and catch up to Asahi.

I put my hand on his shoulder and jumps a bit then looks at me.

"You scared me Touma....."

"Sorry Asahi, what's your phone number? I will text you my address and when you can come over tommorrow."

"Oh, wait a second."

Asahi stops walking and reaches into his pocket for his phone.

He pulls it out and I take my phone out as well. I go into contacts and tap the 'create a new contact.' button.

"What is it?"

"It is 669-334-666"

(A/n~ Yes it's fake number.)

I type in the numbers he said and lable his contact as 'Victim 1'.



"Alright, I will text you tommorrow."


And with that I begin to run to the school gates and head straight for my house.

Asahi's POV
The bell rings, signaling 8th period over and I get to go home.

I pack up my things and stretch a bit. I walk out of the classroom and into the hall of crowded students and leave the wing. I continue walking towards the front of the school when I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder.

I jump a bit, and see it's just Touma.

"You scared me Touma....."

"Sorry Asahi, what's your phone number? I will text you my address and when you can come over tommorrow.''

"Oh, wait a second."

I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone.

I wait as Touma pulls out his phone as well. I pull up my phone number on my phone and begin telling him the numbers.

"What is it?"

"It is 669-334-666."

I watch as Touma types those numbers into his phone.

"It's 669-334-666 right?"


"Alright, I will text you tommorrow."


And with that, I lost Touma in the crowd and continue walking to the front of the school.

*Time skip to Saturday Morning*

Touma's POV
I wake up to the sound of my ringtone, I see it's one of my old friends calling and I pick up.

"Hey Anthony, what's up?"

"What time do I have to come over?"

"As soon as possible, and bring your bathing suit...."

"Alright, I'll come around 10. Right now I just woke up so I am going to go take a nap."

"Okay, as soon as you get here I'll tell my little oponnent to come over."

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