Chapter 20~Suspicions....

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Asahi's POV
I straighten my position of my back of the seat I'm sitting in the bleachers.

I check the time on my phone.

'7:04 a.m.....'

I put on my headphones and play my favorite song on loop.

I watch the gym doors open and close as students enter. I spot Reo enter and he walks towards me. Reo then takes a seat next to me.

''Hey Asahi."

"Hello Reo..."

"Did you see the news this morning?"

"No, why?"

"Itsuki and Jitsuko are dead."


"Oh really? How much do you wanna bet it was Touma."

"What do you mean?"

"It was most likely Touma who made Y/n think Itsuki cheated on her, and killed Itsuki. Not sure about this 'Jitsuko' though.''

"What makes you think it was Touma?"

"Because Reo, my dear friend, Touma Tanaka is just like me....but clueless on what to do. He's not being very sly or careful...."

I then see Y/n walk in through the gym doors with one of her friends, Danielle was her name I believe.

"I can tell Touma is getting aggrivated by Y/n's little friend over there. And I'd be lying if I said I had felt otherwise. "

I look back over to the doors of the gym to see Touma enter, just arriving with a smirk on his face.

'What is he smirking about....?'

I then watch as he walks over towards Y/n and takes a seat next to her. I watch them as they talk and continue my conversation with Reo.

"Speaking about hate and murder, I need to make my move. I have noticed Y/n and Touma have been getting close. How should I get rid of him? Murder? Electrocute him? Torture? So many ways to choose from....."

The bell rings and Me and Reo walk out of the gym bleachers and to our 1st period together.

Touma's POV
I hear the bell ring, and Y/n,her friend,and me begin to exit the gym and walk together to our 1st period. With Y/n in the middle.

'I already know how I am going to eliminate Asahi.......I remember once Y/n told me Asahi told her he can't swim well and that's a wonderful advantage....'

*Time Skip to Lunch*

Touma's POV
The bell rings and I pack up my stuff and swing my backpack onto my shoulder. I then go to Y/n's classroom and wait for her by the door.

As soon as she comes out I greet her with a gentle smile.

"Hello Y/n! I was wondering, if I could sit with you at lunch? I want to get to know you more.''

"Hi Touma, sure you can sit with me at lunch. I've known you ever since we were freshman. I'm pretty sure you already know everything about me."

"Yeah, but it's been a while and we have both changed. I want to know the new you and you to know the real me."

"Alright, that's fine by me."


I give her a hug and we walk into the lunchroom and Y/n takes me to a small table, where her friend Danielle is secretly using her phone.

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