Chapter 13~Traitor Pt.2

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Itsuki's POV
"Hi Itsuki-kunn~"

I hear Jitsuko say and I get a headache.

'Agh, that hurts.'

I look at Jitsuko and get a bit uncomfortable.

'Why did I stop talking to Jitsuko...? I forgot.....agh, this headache is killing me...'

"Uh, hello Jitsuko. What are you doing here?"

I say as I hold my forehead in pain.

"Oh are you okay Itsuki-kun?"

I nod weakly. I then see Jitsuko put out a wine bottle and wine glasses behind her back. She sets them down on the coffe table in front of me.

"I heard you were having some trouble and stress at school, so I thought when onii-chan told me you were coming over, that this would be the perfect moment to get to know you more!"

She takes a seat next to me,a little too close and then  takes the screw cap off the bottle of wine. Before pouring the wine she takes a look at me.

"And what would be better than having a little drink while we are at it!"

"No thank you, I have a headache right now and it would be worse if I had a hangover right after. And since when was Touma your elder brother?"

I say, slightly confused.

"Oh come onn, a glass of wine won't hurt. Let me relieve you of your problems~"

Jitsuko then pours the wine into the glasses and hands me one.

I take it and drink at least half of it.
Jitsuko looks over at my glass and at the corner of my eye, I swear I saw her smirking......

I look over at her completely and she looks at me normally.

'Guess not.....'

Touma's POV
I silently watch from the top of the stairs with my phone out, ready to take a picture.

'Come on Jitsuko....hurry up!'

I look and see Itsuki finish his wine and Jitsuko pours him another glass. Itsuki drinks it and Jitsuko puts her hands on his shoulders. I see her give him a massage, and Itsuki relaxes a bit.

"So tell me Itsuki-kun~....what's going on at school~? Is it Y/n causing you all this trouble and stress...?''

'This is gonna take a while.......'

Jitsuko's POV
"So tell me Itsuki-kun~....what's going on at school~? Is it Y/n causing you all this trouble and stress...?"

I say as I continue to give him a massage.

'First, I'm going to make him relax and feel comfortable around me....then I am going to get a bit more touchy and by then....he'll want to kiss me because of all the wine and Touma can take the picture....Y/n will see the picture, break up with Itsuki, and then.........Itsuki will be MINE. Of course I could have just killed Y/n and have it over with but...Itsuki is always so happy around her. I know what Touma is up to....he's trying to break my dear Itsuki....but that's fine by me. Because, once he breaks...I'll be there to fix him....and then he will love me.'

I watch as Itsuki takes a deep breath and drinks his wine. He opens his mouth to say something and I take a quick glance at Touma. I see Touma ready to record whatever Itsuki is about to say and I turn my attention back to my senpai.

I quickly hide the wine and wine glasses so when Touma takes a video, there will be no sign of wine. Then,   Y/n will believe Itsuki cheated on her on purpose.

"Y/n is a lot to handle...she can be so annoying at times. I truthfully hate how she's always nice and cheery. Like, this isn't 3rd grade honey, grow the f**k up! Right now I'm only with her because I don't want to be one of those shady loner kids. I don't even love her, she could go die in h*ll for all I care! If she wasn't so popular, then none of this drama about me being a psycho wouldn't be around! This is all of her fault, she's just a typical annoying gossip girl. When she wore that dress to school with Touma, she was basically asking to get raped! What a s***....."

As I hear this I can't help but grin.

"Oh really....? What a shame, I have never liked her either. The way she is always nice to other people and how dumb she is disgusts me."

'Phase two.....touchy'

I put my hand on his chin and make him look at me.

"She does not deserve a guy like you....she does not know how to please you. If you want, I could please you....~"

(A/n~ don't worry there is no smut, for those who like smuts , sorry.)

By now, my whole body was basically against him. I see him lick his lips and nod.

I lean in and kiss him roughly, Itsuki kisses me back the same way. His hands are on my back and under my shirt.

Touma's POV
I watch and record as Jitsuko and Itsuki have a rough make-out.

I see Itsuki's hands under Jitsuko's shirt and see her bra fall down. I stop recording and leave before I see something disgusting....

I head over to my room and close the door. I watch over all the videos and smirk.

'Soon you and me Y/n....will be doing naughty stuff like those two bitches....'

I scroll through my phone and go to contacts. I click on Y/n's and call her. She picks up and I hear her voice on the other side of the line.


Y/n's POV
I was quietly listening to music on my phone and laying in bed while surfing the web when I get a call from Touma. I answer and take out my earbuds. I hold my phone to my ear.


"Y/n! I need to meet you right now! I have to show you something!"

"Right now? Why can't you show me at school?"

"Please Y/'s about Itsuki."

'Did Itsuki threaten him again? I swear.....'

"What about Itsuki?"

"Meet me by the park close to the school. The one with all the open space and cherry blossom trees."

"Alright, I will be there in 20 minutes."

"Great! See you then!"

Touma then hangs up and I get out of my bed and throw on some jeans and a jacket.

'Alright....what is it that you want to show me Touma?'

Word count~1093

Hello readers! Thank you for reading and if you have any tips for how I can improve this book and future books I'd love to hear them! Until next time!

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