Chapter 28~Choice B: Touma's Good Ending

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Just know, before you read this chapter, most of the things will be the same since this ending is if you decline Danielle's offer to go with her. When I make a line of dots like '.............' then that's when things start to get different because in this ending, Y/n has feelings for Touma and chooses him over Danielle and Reo. 

Y/n's POV
I think about it for a while, not sure what to do at all.

I didn't want to loose my bestfriend, nor did I want to just leave Reo and Touma here ,the worst part is leaving my family, knowing I would not be able to grow up along side my younger wouldn't be right or very fair to them.

Part of me wanted to go with her...but I just couldn't bring myself to leave my family and Reo and Touma.....

"I'm sorry Danielle...but I just can't..... can not just leave Reo and Touma and my family here....they mean too much to me....I want to be there when my little brother grows also...."

I say, declining her offer, which made Danielle frown.

I truly did not want to leave her all alone like this but I just could not bring myself to leave what matters family.

"I understand....I'm sorry for acting all weird these past few days. I hope we see eachother soon Y/n..I'll miss you...."

And with that, Danielle gives me a hug and I hug her back and she enters into the house and goes into our room.

I follow behind and watch as she pulls out some of her clothes,a charger, snd basic girl needs and take out the stuff from her backpack. She then lays out her school supplies neatly and puts them into her side of our closet.

She packs all of her clothes, and majority of her belongings and walks towards the front door.

Before she left, I quickly hug her tight....A few tears falling out of my eyes.

"I am going to miss you Danielle..."

"Me too Y/n...."

Danielle then takes my arms off of her and gives me a small smile.

Tears were pouring out of my eyes now and I just wanted her to stay....she was always like a big sister to me...

Danielle then walks out of the house and begins walking on the side walk, heading north.

I watch her for a minute or two and begin to close the door. But at the corner of my eye, I see Danielle start to run.

'Why is she running? She never runs....unless she has to..'

I walk out on to the porch and see Danielle, still running, when a man passes by, running and....holding an ax!?!

The man was also.... chasing Danielle!

'What if he kills her?!?!'

I quickly run into the house and put on my shoes , I then run outside after the man and Danielle.

'Danielle should be all right for now...She has her gun with her just in case anything happens to her. I need to try and catch that man though first...'

After a while of running, I begin to see a building in the distance.

I squint my eyes a bit and see that the building was a dealer ship.

'So that's how Danielle was going to run away....'

I run a bit closer and catch up a bit.

Danielle's POV
After me and Y/n hug goodbye, I begin to walk out of the house and walk on the side walk forwards.

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