Chapter 5~Plans

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Reo's POV
I suddenly wake up to the sound of my ringtone. I look over and see somebody's calling me. I answer the phone and hear Touma's voice.

"Hey Reo, so about earlier. Do you hate Itsuki?"

"Yes,why do you ask?" I reply

"Well, I was you have any dirt on him? Something that could ruin his reputation?"

I look over to the walkie talkie and I hear HIS voice. ''Put him on speaker...
I want to know what your talking about.'' The guy with the other walkie talkie says. I put Touma on speaker.

"What was the question? I wasn't paying attention." I say

(A/n~lol it rhymes XD)

"Do you have any dirt on Itsuki? Something to lower his reputation? Or know somebody who does?" Touma repeats.

Asahi's POV
"Do you have any dirt on Itsuki? Something to lower his reputation? Or know somebody who does?" The secret admirer of my sweet y/n says, at least that's what Reo told me when he got back home from school.

'I'm surprised this Touma guy is actually trying to ruin Itsuki....Hmm this could be useful for eliminating him. And after Itsuki is gone...then well, it'll be my turn to have some fun.'

I continue to listen to their conversation.

"I know somebody who hates Itsuki just as much as you and......has a huge amount of dirt on him. But why do you ask Touma?"

"I want to ELIMINATE Itsuki, he's in the way of my plans'' When he said the word ELIMINATE I swear I heard his voice go deeper and his sanity drop...

'So this guy is a yandere too......this will be very interesting..What plans does he have in mind though?'

Reo's POV
''What plans?''

'Is he a yandere too..?'

The fact he used the word 'eliminate' with a more scary tone to it,makes me almost sure he is a yandere.

''My plans to make y/n mine of course... she still is mine but that stupid Itsuki took her away from me before I could reach her" I hear Touma say...

'DAMMIT! I was hoping I wouldn't have to let Asahi get him.....I guess it's for the best..I just want y/n to be safe and happy...'

"So you're a yandere?"

" can you help me? Since you and I both hate Itsuki?"

"But why don't you just kill him? I mean,that's what yanderes do. So I don't get why you don't just get it over with." I reply ,partly confused on why he doesn't just kill Itsuki.

"Because, y/n would be sad and I don't want to see my princess crying. And besides....Itsuki is VERY protective of y/n."

Touma's POV
"Because, y/n would be sad and I don't want to see my princess crying. And besides Itsuki is VERY protective of  y/n."

Flash Back~
I watch as Itsuki softens his look at y/n and y/n gives him a gentle smile.


"Come on Itsuki, let's go..."

"One moment honey...."

I watch as Itsuki starts walking towards me. He then comes close and whispers something into my ear.

''If I ever see you again with MY girlfriend, I'll make sure you live a very painful death....''

Itsuki then walks back to y/n and holds hands with her. Then they start walking out of the school gates. I glare at Itsuki from behind.

'I'll break you Itsuki Amano....and take back what's rightfully mine..'

End of Flash Back

"Toumaaaaa? Touma Tanakaaaa? Are you there?" I hear Reo say.

"Yea I'm here,sorry."

"So what does Itsuki being protective of y/n have to do with 'eliminating' Itsuki?"

"Well my friend, we're going to ruin Itsuki's reputation, which will lower his confidence and self esteem. Then we're gonna spread a nasty rumor that Itsuki cheated on y/n. And y/n will break up with Itsuki and Itsuki will start to have depression then to the point he'll break! And when he least expects it, I'll break in and murder him! THEN Y/N WILL ALL BE MINE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

".....are you okay Touma?"


" uh, okay. But my friend that has all the dirt on Itsuki has one condition."

I calm down a bit and gain my sanity back.

"What is it?"

"He wants y/n's number"

"Fine...It's (random numbers)"

"Nice working with you Touma Tanaka." I hear a voice say. It doesn't sound like Reo. I guess it's the guy with the dirt on Itsuki. I hang up and stare at a picture of y/n on my phone.

"Ahhh she's so perfect...."

Reo's POV
I put my phone down and talk into the walkie talkie.

"Did you get all that Asahi?"

"Yes,what was the name of the school all of you attend? I forgot."

"It's (school name)"

"Alright ,I'll be there tommorrow. Try to get close to that Touma guy.I'll see you at school."

I walk to my room and lay on the bed.

'So Touma's gonna hopefully get rid of Itsuki, then Asahi is going to kill Touma. And that leaves Asahi left...I'm not gonna let Asahi kidnap  y/n and make her live a miserable life....she doesn't deserve that. She deserves to be happy. That's why I'm going to become friends with her again and save her.....I need her to trust me first so I can help her later....'

Asahi's POV
I look at the number I have written down....this is it. Y/n's phone number....I'll finally get to get noticed by her. I text her.

"Hi honey~"

She replies.

"Itsuki? Did you get a new phone or something?"

"No, I knew you in middle school though. You never noticed me though..Don't worry we'll meet soon. Get a good sleep sweetie, I want to see you look fantastic tommorrow. I love you~"

Y/n's POV
"No,I knew you in middle school though. Don't worry we'll meet soon. Get a good sleep sweetie, I want to see you look fantastic tommorrow. I love you~"

'This was probably fricking Danielle.'

I sigh and change into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I brush my teeth and get into bed. I turn off the light and plug my charger in my phone and fall asleep.

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