Chapter 18~Truth

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Y/n's POV
I open my eyes to see someone caught me and that someone is......



Reo's POV
I was just peacefully walking out of the school and heading home with my arms crossed when I feel a weight press onto my arms.

I extend my arms a bit so I don't drop it and I notice it's Y/n.

I look up to where she came from and see there's a open window in one of the 500 wing rooms.

'She didn't jump.......did she?'

I then notice her open her eyes and a amount of bright red spreads across her face.


"Hehe....hi Y/n. Um, where did you come from?"

"U-um...the window."

"Why did you fall out the window?"

"Well, I was talking to Danielle when a bunch of guys burst into the room screaming my name. I didn't want to be raped sooo......I jumped out the window."

"Y/n! That is dangerous you know! You could have died if I hadn't catch you!"

'I can't let her die again......I'm tired of staying in this loop over and over again.......I need to protect her.'

"S-sorry! I was panicking.....thank you for catching me."

I put her down onto the ground slowly and smile at her.

"I get more careful next time though. Promise?"

"Y-yeah, promise. Thank you again."

"No problem, it is getting late. You should get going."

"What about my stuff?"

"If it is not already torn to shreds by those guys, I will go get it for you if you want...."

"No no! It's fine! I will just call and ask Danielle to get it for me. Thank you for the offer though......."

"You sure you don't want me to get it for you? It really is no problem."

Y/n's POV
"You sure you don't want me to get it for you? It really is no problem."

I start to get a tingly sensation in my stomach and my face feels really hot.

'Do Reo?'

I used to have a huge crush on Reo back in middle school but I was too afraid to tell him, I thought it would have ruined our friendship....

*Flash Back*

Y/n's POV
I hurridly run to the bus stop where my best friend Danielle awaits me.

"Hi Y/n-chan!"

"Danielle I am going to do it! I am going to tell him how I feel!"

"Why are you so interested in romancee?? We are only 12! We should just be watching anime and shipping people."

"Yeah but we already do that! And besides, this is the first time I have a feeling a guy I like likes me for my personality....not for my popularity like other guys."

"I am happy for you Y/n chan but why Reo? He is so uglyyyyy."

"Is not!"

"Still, something seems off about him. Remember when you first met him? He was acting all weird like you guys were already best friends...."

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