3 - An Uninvited Guest

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Luca stood at the summit of a moss-covered, rocky hill and stared out at his domain with profound satisfaction.

For miles into the distance, all he could see was a lush, naked landscape that ended only because his eyes couldn't follow the delightful curves of his world as it ran off ahead of him, inviting him to follow. The soft rise of deliciously shaped and supple hills, valleys that wound delightfully into lands just out of his sight, and the promise of warm, wet pools at the edge of lush forests. This was a fertile, young, nubile world. And it was all his.

"Mine," Luca growled, so satisfied he idly wondered if he shouldn't be lighting a cigarette and asking the ground beneath his feet if it was good for her, too.

Luca took a deep breath and let himself shift. Inhuman sinews receded, fur vanished, the bone-gnashing canines replaced by rows of well-bleached teeth. Colour returned to his sight, as the keen but colour-blind eyes of the wolf were replaced by eyes better able to appreciate the ascetics of ample, buxomous beauty.

His pants were tattered from the knees down, just like every pair he had ever worn when he had transformed. His right hand, out of habit, tapped his pocket to feel for the small controller for his wormhole generator. And just as he had done every time before now, he let out a brief sigh of relief that it was still there.

He spread his arms out and let himself fall onto the moss. The fall took slightly too long with the weaker pull of his world's gravity, and it felt more like falling onto a bed or a pool when his back finally reached the green beneath him.

There was a lot of fun to be had at 38% of Earth's gravity.

But something pricked at the back of his senses. Something that distressed his peace of mind; like the whine of an oil tycoon's bored trophy wife. But in this case it was a rumble, and a flash of lights high above.

Luca sat up and watched as something plunged into his sky, burning a deep line of white smoke through the air. It was too bright, too distant, and created too much smoke and fire to see with any clarity, even for his more wolfish eyes.

Luca sat and watched the object descend for a few minutes, and gradually realized the object was slowing down, and some of the fire being belched into the air was coming from the fusion rockets of a spaceship.

Mildly irritated, Luca stood up, stretched, and shifted back into the wolf. He then pushed off from the rock and hurled himself into a sprint. His powerful lope carried him across the fields, following the smoke as the long line pointed the way.

The ship slowed quite a lot as its engines pushed against its own velocity, and perhaps a few hundred feet from the ground the vessel slowed to a relative crawl 

For a brief, absurd moment, the ship hung in the air, almost wholly still just above a hill. Even Luca, who would readily admit had no interest in any vehicle that didn't have ready access to a mini-bar, could appreciate the accomplishment of arresting what looked to be a multi-thousand mile an hour free-fall in-atmosphere without overworking the ship's heat-shielding.

Luca's admiration lasted just until the engines cut out, and the ship dropped like anyone would expect six hundred tons of steel to.

The ship struck the gentle slope of the hill, and with a deafening cacophony that sounded eerily like the enthusiastic audience of the last concert Luca had attended, the ship rolled down the hill into the nearby valley.

Luca cursed to himself and pulled out his portal device. He then took the radio he had ripped out of the headpiece of the helmet he had left behind and set it in his ear.

He opened the screen of his device, pressed a few buttons, and gestured at the ground a dozen feet away. Almost immediately, a small black orb popped into existence with a hiss that sounded eerily similar to the sound a cat makes when you try to take what it's eating away.

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