Dawning Awareness

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Alcuard watched, in utter awe, as his friend again put himself out of his way for the sake of people trying to kill him. And watched in dismay, as yet again, his open hand was rebuffed by these broken souls who preferred their master's whips. He knew, from the moment Isabella had been dragged off to become a blood sacrifice, and those broken souls did nothing, that this story wouldn't have a happy ending.

But for the servants of this cabal of billionaires, it didn't have to be an ending at all.

"Vampy!" Isabella anointed as she dashed through the hall, holding BIRD in her hand. "Sunrise is in less than three minutes, you need to move away from the door!"

"We need to hold the door," Alcuard disagreed quietly, as he took one of the decorative banners off the wall. With a dramatic flourish he ripped the pole free of the fabric it was holding up, and returned to the door. He reached it just as Viviana and Luca dashed inside, extended pole to cross the entire entranceway, and shoved the pole into the oncoming crowd.

Alcuard shoved hard, as the crowd of people shoved and strained to push themselves inside. The pole bent against the press of hundreds of bodies, the vampires and others trapped at the front reached with fingers and claws to pull at his hair or poke at his eyes, and the strength of hundreds began to push him back.

But the crowd held when a surge of strength began to push at the bar. Alcuard turned to his left to see Luca at the bar, pushing against it. And when Isabella and Viviana joined in, the mob stopped again, unable to advance.

But their success didn't seem to cheer Luca, who looked at Viviana and asked, "Why aren't you two shutting the door?"

"We can't reach the door!" Isabella shouter back. "It opens out into the courtyard, and there's a hundred zombies in the way."

"What?" Luca exclaimed incredulously. "Alcuard, What kind of corporeal snob are you? What's the point in having a pretentious, oversized mansion if your butler can't slam the door in someone's face?"

"It's fire code," Alcuard grunted as he strained to hold the mob in place. "Doors always open out, so that mobs don't get stuck in doorways."

"Just saying, putting a twelve-foot tall oak door in their faces would feel pretty good right now," Luca said.

"Ah, good! They'll tear the four of you to pieces soon," BIRD exclaimed, breaking free of Isabella's tenuous grip and taking to the air. "Things definitely look bleak."

"You do realize that if the vampires win, they'll destroy the entire solar system when they eventually turn on each other, right?" Viviana asked as she dug her boots into the cobbles and pushed. "

"Oh I expect them to make a right mess of it," BIRD laughed as it flew over their heads. "What will these vain, small-minded vampires do with ultimate power, except ruin the work of billions of people who tried to actually make life better over the centuries?"

The shock Alcuard felt was very nearly as forceful as the time Luca had hit him with a tree. His mouth hung open as he stare up at BIRD, not fully understanding what the little robot was doing, and more importantly, not understanding why it was betraying its own allies.

"What are you saying?" Fabulo asked, in a voice as powerfully resonant as a nine year old child breathing a weather balloon's worth of helium. "We're going to build a corporate commune that will rule the world forever! Billions of people to harvest from this city in the sky, in an empire that will eventually rule the entire universe! Your brains and my face leading the charge into eternity and infinity!"

"Sounds like you really didn't think this plan through, Fabulo. Prove me wrong," BIRD said with a derisive scoff.

Alcuard shook his head in bewildered astonishment.

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