Duel of the Fates

447 62 17

Oh my god, why don't I have a bucket of popcorn for this?

Luca's actually saluting, holding his frickin lightsaber in front of his face like they're about to start some sort of Arthurian trial by combat. And oh, Alcuard just returned the salute, and they're saying something. Don't know what, since I can't hear them over the wind.

Probably something suitably manly and chauvinistic, like 'I will defeat you for the hand of the buxom space pirate, and take her into my dark and expensive lair to do all manner of unspeakable things.' With children about, no less.

There are other kids in airplanes nearby. Besides the flying V that accompanied the red biplane, nearly every other kid has taken off from the runway, and they're all flying pretty close by. They'd probably turn me into a big foam ball if I tried to escape, but none of us are very interested in dogfighting. We're all waiting to see how this duel goes down.

Ha, 'goes down'. Because unless you make it to space, everything that goes up has to come down. Terrible pun, that one.

There's a quiet, still moment just after the two dashing swordsmen salute where the entire arena fell silent, ready for this contest to begin.

Luca dashed forward and lunged with his blue sword, the light flickering wildly as it swung in the air with an audible 'woo woo' sound. The swords screamed an electronic screech when Alcuard knocked Luca's weapon aside, though the attack forced the vampire back a step.

My eyes widened as I realized the toy swords were actually making those stupid lightsaber sounds, and I didn't know if I should cringe or cheer.

Alcuard struck next with a vicious swipe of his sword that Luca ducked, and the vampire was forced back as Luca's counterattack turned the air between them into a haze of blue light. The red blade flashed out in reprisal, and the electronic scream of their blades colliding reverberated in the air.

The children screamed, clapped, and whooped in delight.

The blades locked as the two of them shoved at each other, the crashing noise of their blades a rapid clatter of squeals and squelches. Alcuard shoved hard, pushing Luca back far enough that he stumbled. The vampire dashed forward, and with his sword in two hands, swung it at Luca's head.

Luca dropped to the ground and twisted away just in time; the blade looked like it might have brushed his hair as it passed just over his head. Luca rolled pushed himself off the ground, and I literally mean he pushed himself off the ground. He did a push-up, and the movement pushed his whole body up high enough that he landed on his feet.

Right, microgravity. Still, I've been very impressed by less.

Luca pointed his blade back at Alcuard and laughed. "Well fought, villain of the night!"

"And you, grown man who spends a fortune on absurd games," Alcuard bellowed back, and his voice carried through the air rather operatically. "But your doom is certain! The children of the Shire have rallied back, and in their numbers now have you surrounded. Even the lady Isabella cannot save you now. Lay down your sword and concede defeat!"

Ooh, dang, that was good. Alcuard has a certain flair for theatrics. I'm not sure if it's the old-school vampire in him talking, or if he just moonlights as a theatre actor.

Ha, moonlighting in the moonlight. Because Alcuard literally can't have a day job. My internal monologue is killing it today.

Luca turned away from Alcuard to face the mob of airplanes following close behind the red biplane. He held out his arms, and asked, "Did you kids come all this way to just see us give up?"

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