4 - Tension Builds

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Please be gentle?

A half-naked man hacks the state-of-the-art security on the emergency hatch, out-logic'ed my ship's onboard AI, and walked over to me with those glistening...

Glistening, wow...

The guy looked like he came right out of a pool. Or a shower.

A hot, steaming...

And all I can say as he walks up to me to do terrible, unspeakable, and possibly unspeakably hot things to me, is 'please be gentle'? Me? A thoroughly emancipated pirate captain, scourge of the seven seas?

Well, I'm infamous at seven different bars on the Sea of Tranquility back at Luna. Almost as good.

But in my defence, the guy looked like he had spent the last eighteen months in the gym preparing for a lead role in a Marvel movie. From stubble that looked like someone had painted it on his face to arms that were probably thicker than my legs to abs that I could open a beer bottle on...

Would love to try that.

Well, 'please be gentle' was all I managed to say to him as he sauntered across my ship as if he owned it. When I said that rather embarrassing thing and practically gave him license to ravage me, he stepped up to my seat and gave me a lustful, deep and intoxicating stare that made me quiver.

"Of course," he said in a gentle whisper that made me want to hear it in a very large bed after a very long sleep. And I'll admit I was not nearly as frightened as I should have been when he reached down between my legs...

And undid the five-point safety harness on my chair.

I was more frightened when he scooped me up in his arms with unnerving ease. Like I was made of styrofoam, I swear the guy didn't even strain when he nearly tossed me into the air, somehow cradled me in one of his arms, and stopped to pick up the emergency first aid kit.

Idly, my mind still a little hazy, I wondered why he took it with us. Most of the single-use birth control was in the bathroom.

He took me outside, to a scene that seemed like it was straight out of one of those super-smutty historical dramas I watch when I don't think anyone will notice. The ones people watch more for the heady passion in straw beds or out in nature, rather than the dialogue. Period porn with a plot. You know, like Outlander.

Or Game of Thrones.

Also, I have never seen so much nature in my life.

Grass just went everywhere. Over rolling hills, and right up to distant forests, everything was incredibly, brilliantly, vividly green. Flowers everywhere, more colour than your average Disney movie, and asides from my broken ship, nature from one pristine horizon to the other.

It was revolting.

But if that's what he was into...

He laid me down on the grass, and I squirmed a little in anticipation. He leaned over me, his eyes heady with lust, and with a low, expensive-drink smooth voice, asked, "Do you hurt anywhere?"

I shook, blinked, and tried to figure out what he was talking about. And why my clothes weren't coming off. "Uh, no," I said.

He frowned and looked me over with those smoky, obviously lust-filled eyes. "Take a moment before you answer. You were just in a fairly spectacular crash-landing. Your ship's onboard sensors said you hadn't broken or strained anything, but computers only look for the obvious signs. You're not in any danger, so don't feel rushed to tell me anything."

Okay, he wants to play doctor? In the woods? A little weird, but with those muscles and that smile, I was willing to humour him.

"Well doctor," I said in as girly a voice as I could manage. I was trying for a bit of the Marylin Monroe 'happy birthday' voice and hoped the effect was as good as I thought it was in my head. "I think I hurt somewhere. You should probably check me over."

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