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"Kinda feel like we did this song and dance before. Sure I don't need to sign for it?" Luca asked, his whole body tense and even the wolf inside had its metaphorical hackles up.

"No, that's quite all right," Lanval replied, with the envelope in his outstretched hand. "Though you offering a second time is an extraordinary expression of character, considering what you went through last time."

"An injunction against returning to my planet, risking my werewolfism on my parents and friends, and nearly unleashing an age of billionaire vampires using the world as a drive-thru blood bank? Figure you can't do worse," Luca said wryly. He took the envelope from Lanval and scratched his head. "How did you get back here so fast? I popped you and your crew in front of 'Hopps on Moon Rocks'. You can't have tapped them out of beer that fast."

"Oh, we went to 'Tranquility's Wet Hole' next door. And bought it. And renamed it. And demolished it. Then I waited at the refugee centre for the portal you'd send the newly unemployed through," Lanval said. He grinned, and added, "I'm paying to have the pieces fired into the sun. Always hated that stupid name."

"Ah, now you're getting into the absurdly wealthy spirit," Luca said, and he clapped Lanval on the shoulder. "Soon, I'll introduce you to the space yacht dealership."

"One step at a time. Be seeing you, Mister Cardego," Lanval said with a tip of his hat. He turned and marched through the mass of stripper glitter, but turned back before he reached the doorway. "Oh, you should open that soon. I understand it's very time-sensitive."

Luca watched Lanval leave, unnerved by the last revelation. But he took a deep breath, dusted the glitter from his hands, and ripped the envelope.

As he ripped it, Viviana stepped through the front door. Her amused grin was gone, and she had donned the silver knuckles again. "Did I just see Lanval? Seriously boss, you should rethink the whole 'no killing people' thing. If you portalled him into the sun right now, we'd have about ten minutes to set up a telescope to watch it happen form right here. Heck, we could portal further and further out into space and see it over and over again."

"Not rethinking that one, Vi. I am thinking about amending your contract to include a million dollar penalty for every time you suggest otherwise," Luca retorted as he unfolded the letter.

"Please don't. I'd be paying you to work," Viviana replied.

Luca read through the first paragraph quickly, and nearly dropped the paper. "There's an emergency closed-door meeting of the UN Security Council. Concerning the economic impact of two hundred and one recently deceased billionaires. I've been summoned, and told that if I don't show whatever they decide in my absence will be made law by their respective nations. Meeting starts in..."

Luca picked up his portal device and checked the time. "Two minutes."

"Shit, l'll call Legal, have someone dropped in-" Viviana began to say, but Luca cut her off with a frown.

"Closed door, Vi. We barely have time to get there at all," Luca replied.

"My revenge, Luca," BIRD gloated, clicking its talons on the floor as it walked towards him. Its eyes were the deep red glow of a cylon, or a terminator bot. "Responsibility. I'll see you in a sequel."

With that, BIRD's eyes went dark, and it fell over into the glittery vampire ash with a tiny pouf.

"Better portal us now, boss," Viviana said. "Alcuard, Isabella, we'll get you back to the yacht, catch up with you in a little while-"

"No," Isabella insisted. "We're going to see this to the end."

"Agreed," Alcuard said softly, in that quiet but menacing rumble that theatre actors spend decades trying to learn.

My Bad Boy Werewolf Quadrillionaire Space LordWhere stories live. Discover now