Meet the Parents

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Luca raised his head, choked back the shame that threatened to cement his tongue in place, and finally managed to say, "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry."

He had, just twenty days ago, promised them both that this night wouldn't happen. That he had found an alternative, that the trillions of dollars he had spent to give Mars an atmosphere would finally bear fruit.

And here he was. Putting a burden on shoulders that had borne it for entirely too long already. The shame churned in Luca's stomach so violently he wanted to throw up so it would hurt less.

His father stood up. Luca only saw the motion, he didn't hear it. But even in the faint light, he could see the old man was smiling. "I'm proud of your shame, kid."

Luca was taken aback, but only slightly. "Dad, I-"

"It means you care about us. Having to come back here to spend another full moon has left your guts twisted in a knot. I can see that by the constipated expression you're wearing. Your shame comes from compassion, and there's nothing trite in it," his father said. He stepped down from the porch, and set his hand on Luca's shoulder.

"Goddamnit, Dad," Luca cringed as he dabbed at his eye. "We have guests, don't get all sappy."

"Then mind your fucking language, you miserable ingrate. Your blessed and saintly mother's here," his father said, and by his tone all Luca could hear was indignation and hard authority.

Though the grin on his face ruined the effect.

"Aw, fuck, it's always good to see you two," Luca said, and he held his arms out. "And seriously, thank you. I don't deserve this."

"Hey, we decide how deserving you are. And we decided a long time ago," Luca father said as he pulled his son into a close embrace. Luca could feel something fall away as his father held him, a stress and pain that he had started to forget he carried. It felt like suddenly losing a hangover headache, or cracking a stiff joint.

"When you were born," his mother said. She rested a hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Just in case he wasn't clear."

"I think I caught his point," Luca said. He let go of his father and took a step back. "Anyway, guys, I should introduce you to a couple of friends. They're here to help tonight."

At that announcement, Luca's father frowned. "Are they aware of how much danger they will be in?"

Luca nodded. "Isabella's just here to fly the drop ship. Alcuard can help on the ground. I can vouch for him, he's-"

"A vampire," Luca's mother said with an amused scoff. "Like what most of those billionaires are calling themselves these days."

"In his defence, he was a vampire long before it stopped being cool," Luca replied. "I found him in a ruin on Mars just yesterday."

"So he's a Martian vampire?" Luca's father asked.

"Atlantean," Alcuard said as he drew closer. He held out his hand as he stopped a few feet away from Luca's father. "Originally of Earth, though I have lain in sleep for six thousand years beneath the Martian sands. Alcuard Cominetti von Dracul."

"Lito Cardego," Luca's father said, shaking the vampire's hand. Lito gestured with his other hand towards Luca's mother. "And this is Anna."

"Wait," Isabella said, waving her hands. "Luca, are these your parents?"

"Yes, I used to wipe his butt, mop up his vomit, and tell him his middling toddler achievements were the greatest triumphs since we first landed on the moon," Lito said.

"Then I invented a stable wormhole device and became the wealthiest man in the history of the world," Luca retorted. "You keep on leaving that part out, Dad."

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