A Battle Begins

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Alcuard sat with his eyes closed, resting his back against the trunk of a tree, as he waited for the moon to rise.

"Eleven minutes," Lito Cardego said. Alcuard opened his eyes and was surprised to see Luca's father was dressed in nothing more than jeans and a flannel shirt. Given how dangerous this werewolf transformation apparently was, it was strange to see Lito treating this as little more than an evening hike. Though the quarterstaff in his hands struck Alcuard as a sensible touch.

"How long do we have once the moon rises?" Alcuard asked.

"At least half an hour. He's dropped himself off in the bottom of a cave network beneath the old hydro plant, and the wolf has never been very good at navigating its way through," Lito said. "Once he's out, we do our best to drop him into the ravines or back into that cave network, to buy ourselves some breathing room. That breathing room is important, because that werewolf doesn't get tired."

"That is troubling," Alcuard said.

"Do you have any supplies you want? Bear mace? A staff? Taser?" Lito asked.

"No. I am comfortable with a sword, but we are not here to kill." Alcuard stood up and stretched his arms, relieved that his old strength appeared to be returning. Even though it was fake, the duel with Luca a few hours ago had done a great deal to reinvigorate him after his thousands of years in cryo.

"Glad you can remember that," Lito said, and he turned away while putting his finger up against his ear. "Love of my life, can you hear me?"

Lito paused, his head occasionally nodding slowly as his unfocused gaze was pointed at the grass. Alcuard couldn't hear Anna replying, which suggested that Lito had some kind of phone receiver implanted surgically to directly vibrate his eardrum.

"That's good. And Isabella is taking off now, which means we should have plenty of eyes on Luca tonight," Lito continued. "We do this the same way we've done it a thousand times already, we'll be fine. Now, send the drones out, and prep the first trap."

"The first trap?" Alcuard asked.

"What, you think his mother and I don't prepare for these nights? We'd both be dead a while ago otherwise."

"Is he really that dangerous?" Alcuard whistled, looking back out towards where Luca had gone.

"He got into fight with a black bear once. Poor thing wandered too far into the nature preserve, Luca caught up with it just at the top of the hill over there." Lito pointed up the path. "We found bear bits from the other side of that hill to the other side of the lake, back in the other direction."

"Yet you have survived decades of this?" Alcuard said, not fully willing to believe it.

"We have," Lito corrected him. "Anna is here right along with us."

"Hello," Anna's voice sounded from from directly above Alcuard's head. He looked up to see a small quadcopter hovering a few feet away. "Normally I just talk in Lito's ear, but I don't think you want the surgical implant required to attach the eardrum-stimulating radio that my husband has."

"Proof of my undying fidelity," Lito said. "The radio has no off switch. I can't actually stop her nagging in my ear."

"Careful love, that radio could easily explode."

"No it can't, it's induction powered. It cuts out if I stop and stare at the horizon for a minute," Lito replied. "Do you have eyes on our son?"

"He's just taking the elevator into the caves now. I have a drone with him."

"One of the stealthier ones?" Lito asked. He snapped his fingers and a smile sprouted on the man's face. "You remember what happened to that noisy yellow buzzard you sent down with him a few years ago."

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