New Hope Club x HRVY Imagine! AU (Part 3)

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It's a pleasant afternoon at the Cantwell Household. All brothers are helping their mum cook lunch, except for Reece. He was nowhere to be found, but he did tell George that he'll be home by lunch time which would be in a few minutes.

Everything was difficult for their mum ever since their father passed away. Their family had a lot of things going on at the time: Harvey needing money to finish his last year in uni, Blake needing money to start uni, Reece needed money to pay for the props at drama club, and George needed money for his school project. Their mum would borrow money from her friends until their family was in huge debt. Thankfully, they managed to push through will all of it.

With everything ready on the table, they start to eat. Just then, Reece arrives with his girlfriend, Angela.

"Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late. Angela took forever to get ready!" Reece chuckles and helps Angela in her seat.

Blake glares at the two; bitterness eating him alive. Harvey and George look at each other and then at Blake, who was ready to chop off Reece's head.

Harvey coughed awkwardly and smiles at Angela. "How are you?"

"I've been good-"

"Really? Let me've been good because you cheated on me with my brother and now you're sleeping around with him?" Blake asks in a rude way.

"Blake! That wasn't very nice." George says.

"It wasn't very nice of Reece to bring her here uninvited." Blake rolls his eyes.

"This is ridiculous. I literally just asked how she was doing." Harvey groans in annoyance.

"You know what else is ridiculous? Jumping from one brother to another. You really like wrecking family relationships, don't you? Who's next? Harvey? George? Tell Reece who your next victim is so that he has a heads up." Blake says, his words sharp.

"You're being ridiculous as well, B. No one asked your opinion." Reece says before eating.

"Alright, that's enough. Let's not ruin lunch anymore." their mum says before eating peacefully. Everyone started having their own conversations after that.


Midnight arrives and George finds himself a little hungry. He decides to pester one of his older brothers to join him. Lucky for him, Harvey and Blake are in the living room watching something on Netflix whilst drinking beer and eating crisps.

"Guys, I'm hungry. Want to go out and get some food?" George asks hopefully.

"Sure." Blake shrugs and pauses the show he and Harvey were previously watching.

"Okay. I needed to sober up anyway. We have that Christmas thing tomorrow and mum expects me to be up early." Harvey sighs and stands up.


They go to a convenience store nearby and heard giggling by the counter.

"Ugh, why are people so flirty?" George asks himself whilst carrying huge bags of crisps and a soda. He stops in his tracks and quickly hides behind an aisle full of biscuits when he realizes who it is. He crouches down and takes a peek at the counter.

"George, what're you doing crouched down here? Are you hiding from someone?" Harvey jokes.

"Shh! Just whisper and yes I'm hiding from someone. You should hide too." George whispers and pulls Harvey down to crouch down with him. "Where's Blake?" he asks.

"I don't know. Probably still at the beverage area. You know how he is...picky and whatnot." Harvey whispers.

A minutes later, Blake sees two of his brothers crouching down and decides to join them. "So, who are we spying at?" Blake whispers.

"Yeah George. Who are we spying at and hiding ourselves from?" Harvey asks, obviously just as confused as Blake.

"Go see for yourself." is all George replies.

Harvey and Blake stand up a bit only to see Angela flirting and buying condoms with some other guy who isn't Reece. The two immediately crouch down to join George.

"We have to tell him." Blake says in a whisper.

"Yeah. He'll be devastated. We can't keep this from him." Harvey nods.

"I hate his guts, but he's still our brother and he doesn't deserve this." Blake sighs.

"We'll go to the counter once they're gone." George says.

It wasn't long until Angela and this mystery guy leaves the convenience store. Once they hear the door close, the three immediately stand up and scramble to their feet before going to the counter and pay for what they bought.

"I can't believe she'd do such a thing!" George says in anger.

"I expected it." Blake shrugs. "Also, she was buying condoms with that guy. They're probably doing it right now."

"That's so gross! Now I imagined her with Reece doing it." Harvey scrunches his nose in disgust.

"Ew! I imagined her with Blake!" George whines. "Was she good in bed, Blake? I'm just curious seeing as every guy seems to get with her."

Harvey and George look at Blake expectantly whilst they were walking home. Blake shrugs and nods, "Yeah, I guess. We tried out different stuff and it was my first time being exposed to those kinky things. I'm 100% sure that she did the exact same to Reece."

"Really?" Harvey asks.

"Yeah. Try calling him 'daddy' tomorrow and we'll see. If he becomes triggered and squirms, that means she's doing the exact same thing to Reece." Blake smirks a bit.

"So...both of you have daddy kinks now?" George asks innocently.

"I'm not against the whole thing, but sometimes I get weirded out." Blake shrugs.

"Let's just test Reece tomorrow then." Harvey chuckles.

They all laugh and enter their house quietly before going to the living room and eat all the food they bought.

* * * *

A/N: oof now y'all know Angela

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