Reece Bibby Imagine! (Part 1)

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Reece's P.O.V

"I want to go home." I mumble to Blake who's sitting next to me. I love working with the boys at the studio, however I'm really not feeling it today. I check my watch and see that it's already 1am. Fuckin' hell.

Blake looks at me with tired eyes and yawns. Same, Blake. Same. 

"What's taking George too long? He's been singing the same verse over and over." I sigh. I just want to go home and sleep next to my wife, Y/N.

"He said he wants his vocals to sound perfect." Blake rolls his eyes and checks his phone for the nth time. I'm pretty sure if he checks it all the time, he won't have notifications to go through.

"Can't that wait next time? I'm so tired." I groan in annoyance. I lean back in my seat and cross my arms and stayed quiet. Throwing a fit won't make George sing faster, so what's the point?

A few minutes later, George finally finishes up in the booth. "Thank God!" I say and stand up to gather my things and flee the studio. I walked out so fast, I didn't even get to say goodbye to the lads.

I finally arrive home after a thirty minute drive. It was a quick drive, because it's 1am. No one really expects a lot of cars at this hour. Just as I was about to get my house key, I feel a presence next to me. I turn to my right and see a girl. I've seen her around the grocery store sometimes, but I've never really spoken to her. 

"Um, may I help you?" I ask her politely.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind." she says shyly.

"It's no trouble at all. Is there anything you need?" Well, I know what I need: sleep and Jesus Christ, because I don't want to lose my patience so all I need is a little bit of faith here. Besides, I don't want to be rude to someone I've just met. That's not how I was raised and I'll make sure that when my baby boy grows up, he won't be rude too.

"Yes, there is. Can you help me get home, please? I'm really scared to walk alone especially at this hour." she says.

I sigh and nod, "I suppose. I'd feel guilty if anything bad happened to you if I turn you down." It seems like a nice gesture, but I honestly don't want to hold account for anything that happens to this chick if I just ignored her and went inside my house. It would probably be my fault if she ever walks home alone (after rejecting what she asked me to do) and then she gets pulled into an alley and brutally beat her to death.

Wow. Dark thoughts at 1a- no, it's 2am now.

I walk her to her house which isn't that far. Everything is silent and crickets made noises here and there. I walk her until the door and say that I have to go home to rest. She insisted on taking me inside and give me a glass of water. Now, I'm really sleepy but I fear that I might fall asleep on the way home and I heard drinking water can make you not sleepy. For some reason I feel someone watching, so I look around but didn't see anyone. I shrug and take her offer.

...I wish I went home after walking her there...

As soon as I went in her house, she immediately locked the door and pushed me against it as she kisses me roughly. I wish I pushed her away, but I was so tired to even fight back. I was so out of it. 

We manage to go to her bedroom and this time, I'm not tired anymore. I suddenly felt awake. I know this is wrong. I know it's wrong to cheat especially now that I'm happily married to Y/N, but I haven't had any sex in awhile. I guess it won't hurt this one time...

I push her on the bed, get on top of her and deepen the kiss. I grind my crotch against hers and she moans. I pull away from the kiss and take off both of our clothes and throw them across the room. I align myself with her entrance and thrust into her. We both moan in pleasure and at that moment, I haven't thought of anything else.


Remember when I said that what happened was one time? Okay, it became a past time. I would go to the girl's house every time I needed to fulfill my sexual needs. It's been 5 months since it happened and it's still happening. Y/N doesn't know about it and it'll stay that way.

I'm currently at some restaurant for lunch with George and Blake. As I finish telling the waiter what I wanted, I check my phone to see a message from unknown.

'Unknown: I know what you did. You cheated on Y/N with that girl. I know Y/N doesn't know, but I'd be happy to tell her all about your affairs.'

Oh my god. I told that girl not to tell anyone, because it might ruin me! I swear if that little slut told anyone, I'd be in so much trouble.

Lunch with the lads went by slow, because Blake takes too long to chew his food. He's like a toddler. He takes too long to cut up his steak as well, so George had to cut it for him. 

As soon as lunch was done, I race to the girl's house and barge in. Okay, but seriously, she should lock her door. I could've been anyone.

I found her in the living room and I stood in front of her; blocking the tv.

"Reece, move. I'm watching! Plus, I'm not in the mood right now." she says.

"Did you tell anyone about us?" I ask her directly.

"What? No. I never told anyone." she says. I look into her eyes if she was telling the truth and she was. I saw a bit of fear in her eyes as well. 

"Good." I walk out of her house and reply to this "unknown" person.

'How will I get you to shut up and not tell Y/N?'

The person instantly replied saying that he wants money. Fine, I have a high paying job anyway. I text the person to meet me at Starbucks near the girl's house in 5 minutes.

I arrive at Starbucks, sit down and check my phone. Someone sat across from me and not looking up from my phone, I tell the person to leave, because I'm waiting for someone.

"Just pay up, mate." a familiar voice says. I look and see the one and only Connor Ball. I expected George or Blake, but I never expected Connor; someone who ISN'T my band mate. I feel guilty for not trusting George and Blake enough. 

"You're the guy texting me?!" I hiss. "How did you know?!"

"I was on a midnight stroll and I thought I saw you through my peripheral vision walking with a girl who isn't Y/N. I told myself that maybe it was just a lookalike. I fully turned to look at the two and sure enough, I was right the first time." Connor says simply.

Then I remembered: 'For some reason I feel someone watching, so I look around but didn't see anyone. I shrug and take her offer.'

"Oh my god. I knew I felt like someone was watching." I mutter.

"That was me. So pay up, Bibby." Connor says smugly. I galre at him and give him the money.

"Why do you want money anyway? Is your band flopping? Is my band actually doing better than yours? Or do we naturally just have more money than your band?" I snicker.

"Just so you know, I won't say anything and you should be happy with that. Not throwing insults. Oh and remember when my band made your band famous? That was classic and your band will always be known as 'the band that's famous because they were signed by The Vamps'." he glares at me before standing up to leave.

After I paying Connor, I cut off all ties with the girl and I even told her to move away. Thankfully, she understood and left. I stayed with Y/N and went on with my life.

* * * *

A/N: Part 2 coming soon 

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