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❝Niall, aliens don't exist.❞

❝Yes they do.❞

❝No they don't.❞





Niall puffed out a large breath.

It's been three days. Three days since our date. Three days since our first kiss. Three days since practically the best night of my life happened.

And now? Well, here we are, sitting across from each other at John's diner as we talk about non-existent things.

My shift here ended over two hours ago. And if you're wondering, no. Niall is most definitely not my boyfriend. It's not that I don't like him in that way, because trust me, I'm pretty sure I do like him in that way, but it's because I'm way too much of a puss to ask him.

Niall and I haven't kissed since the last three days, and honestly, I'm craving to feel his lips on mine again.

We share a few pecks on the cheek every-so-often, but that's basically it.

Yesterday, Niall and I spent the whole day at his backyard. We watched the white puffy clouds and the bright shining sunset while we listened to Elvis Presley playing lowly in the background.

❝Saying that aliens aren't 'real' is like saying that bananas aren't real either.❞

❝But bananas are most certainly real!❞

❝No they're not.❞

❝Yes they are, Niall!❞

❝You feel my pain, now?❞

❝Niall, c'mon, don't be silly.❞

❝Just say that aliens are real and we'll be just fine.❞

❝But they're no-❞


❝Fine. Aliens are real.❞

Niall cheered and I laughed. This was how most of our talks would go like, and in all honesty, they were the best.

The day after our date, I had invited Niall over to my house. We stayed up until 3:00am laying down in the rooftop as we stared at the stars and picked out constellations, while we talked about our favorite songs, life as children, and how we thought the Earth was made.

❝Harry, what's your favorite book?❞

❝Probably Life of Pi.❞

❝I never really got that book. The language was way over my lead.❞

❝I didn't think the words were too strong.❞

❝They weren't. It was just kind of hard to understand, you know? I really didn't get the plot of it.❞

❝Then, what's your favorite book?❞


❝You mean the book about the owls?❞

❝It wasn't all about the owls.❞

❝Well, I don't know. I only saw the movie. I never read the book.❞

❝The movie wasn't all that bad. I prefer the book, of course. I always do.❞

❝Really? Why so?❞

❝Well, because books are books. They're far more detailed and I love to create my own fictional characters. Those are the two main reasons why I always choose books over movies.❞

❝So, if I were to take you out on a second date to watch a film based on a book, would you want to go and see it with me?❞

❝It depends if I've read the book.❞

❝How about Perks of Being a Wallflower? You read it before?❞

❝Are you kidding me! Perks of Being a Wallflower is probably one of my favorite books of all time. I seriously couldn't stop crying when Charlie reviled the whole Aunt thing.❞

❝So it's a yes, then? You'll go and see the movie with me?❞

❝I didn't say yes.❞

❝Well I didn't hear a no.❞


(Next Day)

After seeing Perks of Being a Wallflower, Niall was a complete mess, and demanded a sequel.

I could've told him that I would be willing to write a sequel for him, but then again, I'm no Augustus Waters nor a good writer. So I didn't say anything.

I did comforted him until he finally stopped crying, though.

Later on, we went to a nearby coffee shop and ordered a few drinks. We talked about the movie for a while before Niall started sobbing again.

Then, we went back to his house, and for the first time, I had seen his bedroom.

His room was massively filled with various of books everywhere. He had several shelves stacked with them!

He also had a wall filled with posters. Mainly about books and a few quotes from and about books.

He had this one poster that read:


: a person who collects and admires books

: one who has a great love for books

And instantly, I knew that Niall was the meaning of a bibliophile, judging by all the books he had and how much he loved to read and talk about them all the time.

For the rest of the day, we spent it at his room. His head resting on my lap while I stroked at his hair as I silently read the novel called, 'The Wedding' by Nicholas Sparks to him.

At the end of the book, Niall was, once again, sobbing. So again, I comforted him and decided to read 'The White Darkness' by Geraldine McCaughrean out loud to calm him down a bit.

I continued reading him random novels that he hasn't read before, until he finally fell asleep during halfway across the book, 'Candy' by Kevin Brooks.

I fell asleep soon after. Niall's head was still on my lap, my right hand stroking his hair, the book laying on my chest, and my head against the headboard of the bed.


Very sorry for the shortish update!

Hope you still enjoyed it, though! This chappy is probs one of my favs, to be honest.

Okay, so thanks to everyone who has been so supportive so far! I love you all!


Any mistakes here? Please point them out if so, thanks!

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