twenty three.

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Tuesday afternoon, it's only a day before Niall's surgery finally arrives. Currently, I am at the hospital. The doctors are going to put Niall through his final stage before the surgery is to be done tomorrow morning.

Niall looks a bit edgy next to me as we await for the doctor for his appointment. Niall doesn't speak to me about the stages he goes through, he only accosts me that he's fine and that it all went well. The thing is, before every one of his appointments, he always tends to act a bit high-strung. Ever since his first stage, he has always acted like this. And in all honesty, it worries me.

Zayn and Liam are here with us as well, Louis is out of town at the moment. Today is the last time the three of us will be seeing Niall until before after his surgery, which he will probably be out for about three to four days.

"Niall Horan?" A young nurse calls out Niall's name from the clipboard that she holds in her hands; the four of us all stand up.

She smiled politely, "It's time, hun."

❝Can I just have a moment before I go, please?❞ Niall signs. The nurse gives him a sympathetic smile along with a nod.

"We'll visit here everyday, alright? Just to check up on how you are doing and we'll contact with Lou and spare him the details, okay? Good luck." Liam and Niall share a small brief hug and a pat in the back as they both pull away.

Once Niall get's to Zayn, there's small tears forming at the brim of his eyes. "Hey, don't cry. It's alright, okay? I know it seems scary but just know that we're there for you. We may not be there with you physically during your surgery, but you get what I mean. You'll be fine, alright?" Niall nods. The two of them hug for a while before pulling away, and Zayn whispering something into his ear then heading off to the direction Liam went.

When my eyes come in contact with Niall's, he rushes to me and we hold onto each other in a tight embrace; too scared to let go.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you." He whispers back, in a far more hushed tone, though.

When we pull away, I place a hand to his cheek and softly caress it. We share one last small smile before he turns his attention to the nurse, giving her a nod to signal that he was done.

She starts walking down the long narrow hallway and Niall trails slowly behind her. He stops for a minute and turns around once more to face me.

I nod forwards to him, encouraging him to continue. I say, "Carry on."


Sorry for not updating in so long! I had a busy week with preparing for XC only to find out that our meet was canceled due to the weather.

And yesterday I was just too lazy to write and update since I started watching the series The 100 and omfg it's so good, I finished season 1 this morning and I was feeling kinda pumped so I decided to at least update a short chapter.


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