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After the day Niall and I made our promise, the next few weeks were spent at the hospital. He was supposed to be out sooner than expected, but he ended up having a thing called intracranial hypertension, which caused headaches, vomit, and some consciousness, which was also the same thing that had happened to him back when we were at his flat.

During the time at the hospital, though, I read and finished the last books Niall had checked out for me. I would read them out loud to him while he played with my fingers on my free hand. Even when he was fast sleep, I would still continue reading to him as I held tightly onto his hand. And when I would finish, I would just stay there and look at him. (In a non-creepy way, of course.)

He was just so beautiful when he slept. I couldn't resist to not look at him. The way his hair was muffled and all over the place, the way his chest rose up and down gently when he would breathe, the way his skin looked so pale but still soft, the way his lips were parted and chapped, but still kissable. He was just naturally beautiful.


It's Thursday.
Yesterday, Niall was officially checked out of the hospital, and he spent the day with the other lads and I at the diner.

I got out of work early today, it's about 3:45pm and I'm laying down in the grass in Niall's backyard with Niall by my side.

The cool breeze of air hits our faces as we stare up at the clouds. It feels as if it was just yesterday that Niall and I had done this for the first time, but in reality, it's actually been about almost two months since then.

"Do you think clouds look down on people and think, 'oh look, that ones shaped like an idiot." The words randomly slip out of my mouth, and I could hear Niall in a fit of chuckles beside me.

"What?" I say innocently as I smile at his direction.

❝Nothing.❞ Niall bites his bottom lip, trying to hold back the huge grin that is wanting to forming across his lips.
I lean over and leave a small peck to his nose. He blushes madly, letting his grin take over, and turns his attention back up to the sky.

"Niall, what's you're favorite band?"

Niall blinks about three times, adjusting his eyes a bit before standing up from his place and holding out his hand for me.

I confusedly take his hand and follow him inside his flat, passing his room along the way, and we finally reach a door that is leading to which, I'm guessing was the basement.

I follow Niall down the stairs into the dark, cherry scented room. He takes a moment to find the light switch, but when he does, I was surprised of what I saw.

Now normally, basements were usually dilapidated and soggy with creepy printed walls and filled with old discolored boxes, but Niall's wasn't like that.

His basement had bright Christmas lights hanging from the walls, with a dark blue colored couch pushed up against the right side of the room. He had posters of bands and singers like, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Tom Petty, and Bon Jovi. His walls were painted a dull color of dark red, and he had various of records scattered all over them. He had a table in the middle of the room with about three boxes filled with records and mix tapes. He had an old Vinyl player in the corner of the room, and he had an old radio on the opposite corner.

❝These guys are my favorite.❞ Niall signed as he made his way over to the table and searched through his records, landing on a specific one by The Smiths.

"You like The Smiths I see?" I say as I let my eyes scan through all of Niall's' mix tapes while he sets the record on the player; letting The Smiths' very own, How Soon is Now play in the background.

❝Yeah. I used to work at a record shop back when I was in High School. The owner of the shop would always play The Smiths and I guess that's the reason why I'm so into them.❞

❝Is that where you got all these records from?❞

❝Pretty much.❞

❝Is that record shop still up till now?❞

❝No. The owner closed it up four years after I started working there. I worked there for those full four years, and it was honestly quite sad seeing that the owner was closing up forever.❞

❝Where you always into these kinds of things? Like you now, records, books and all.❞

❝Actually, no. Books, yeah my whole life. Records and all that good stuff? Nope. I wasn't into that, until one day I decided to walk home instead of getting a ride from Zayn, and I happen to come across the small shop and I automatically fell in love with it. And soon after, I started working there.❞

The next few hours were spent in a comfortable silence. Music by The Kooks played lowly in the background as I examined each and every one of Niall's mix tapes while Niall went over his box of records, smiling as he did so.
I would steal small glances at his direction, loving the way the corners of his eyes would crinkle when his shimmering blue orbs would light up as he smiled brightly, showing off his white braces.

When it came to a time to leave, Niall walked with me out the door.


❝Can you come over tomorrow? At around 6:30pm?❞

❝Course I can, why?❞

❝You'll see tomorrow. Bye, Harry.❞

Niall left a quick kiss at my lips, before turning around and lightly shutting the door to his flat. Leaving me with a small, confused, but cheery smile.
Kind of just a filler chapter so yeah!


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