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❝So I press this button to kick?❞

"No, that ones for jumping."

❝So who am I suppose to kick exactly?❞

"Niall, you're still jumping."

❝How do I stop?❞

"Niall stop kicking me."

❝I'm not kicking you, I'm kicking the bad guy.❞

"Niall the bad guy is the one shooting fireballs at you, that's me who you're kicking."

❝Harry, tell that guy to stop kicking me!❞

"Niall, no ones kicking you! You're the one kicking me!"

❝Harry why can't I move?❞

"Because you're dead, the bad guy took you out already."

❝No he didn't, I'm right there! I'm the blue guy.❞

"Niall that's me, you're the dead girl on the floor."

❝Why am I the girl?❞

"Because you chose her."

❝No I didn't, did I?❞

"Yeah, when we were choosing our characters you wanted Sindel."

❝I did?❞


❝I hate this game. How come you're not dying?❞

"Because I wasn't the one kicking my partner and letting the bad guy shoot fireballs at me."

❝I suck at this game, let's do something else!❞ Niall pauses the video game of mortal kombat that lies in front of us, and turns around to face me.

I say, "What do you want to do?"

❝Let's watch documentaries on aliens!❞

"I swear you and your aliens," I laugh.

❝So is that a yes?❞

"Yeah, sure, why not?"

Niall removes the game from the xbox and places it back in it's box. He goes back to the home screen, and presses on the tab 'Netflix'

He surfs through most of the movies, giving out a few nice comments on some of the documentaries he's seen already. He lands on a 2011 documentary titled, "When Aliens Attack" and reads the description provided on the left.

He grins, ❝This one!❞ I only nod, letting him press play.

Throughout the movie, Niall kept on whispering small facts to himself, trying to mesmerize all of the details on how to destroy a mother alien spaceship.

The movie was nonsense to me, but in Niall's eyes, it was real. It was amazing to see how focused he got once the documentary started, and I'm pretty sure if I were to ask him for a one page essay based on the movie; he'd probably write me a book.


Two weeks later, I find myself being dragged by Niall to a convention center. He points out that every year, on this specific day, August the 9th, people, (also know as geeks) participate on this huge gathering based on the 1979 film, 'Alien' and the sequels to it. And knowing Niall, he was very into that kind of stuff.

The convention center was packed, filled with various of people dressed as some of the characters from the movie, and others wearing their casual merch.

Niall wore a black t-shirt with the logo of the first movie of the Alien series. I, on the other hand, was also forced by Niall to wear one of his shirts to the convention. I was wearing a plain white t-shirt with the famous words by Parker from the movie that read, "It's a robot. Ash is a god damn robot." Niall's favorite line from the movie, to be exact. I don't know why was it his favorite, in all honesty, I felt kind of weirded out that Ash was a robot.

The time that was spent at the convention center went by fast. Niall visited several different booths, bought new merch, and played games based on the movie in the arcade. And to be honest, I actually had fun.

I enjoyed seeing Niall's face light up in excitement. Watching him have the time of his life was heart warming. His huge braced smile never left his lips, not once, and that was the best part.

At the end of the day, we were both tired and hungry, and settled on ordering pizza and watching all of the Alien movies.

The two of us knocked out somewhere in the late am's. And just like always, Niall's head laid on my chest, my arm was draped over his waist, and a huge blanket covered our bodies.


Aye, two updates in two days!

Our performance went good, I think. lol.

I'm sorry if this chapter is all about Aliens, but I'm a big fan.


Anybody watching twd marathon or supernatural?


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