Welcome to Storybrooke

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"I can tell that we are going to be friendsI can tell that we are going to be friends"

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"I can tell that we are going to be friends
I can tell that we are going to be friends"

We're Going To Be Friends - The White Stripes

Third POV.

Welcome to Storybrooke.

That was the first thing Astrid saw as she entered a town. The sign was rather plain and small, but she hoped that wasn't the case for such a town with a name like Storybrooke. 

As she drove down the road, she couldn't help but admire the town. It seemed very peaceful, but maybe she just wasn't used to such a small place. She was used to areas crammed with bodies that had different cultures, taste and species. So this small town was rather a large contrast to what she was used to, and she liked that.

Just as she was driving down a road, she noticed a Diner - Granny's Diner - that was when she noticed how hungry she was. Her stomach grumbled with vengeance, begging to be filled with sustenance, and who was she to object such a pleasure. So she got out of the car, and walked towards the Diner. Before she was able to walk in, she noticed a blonde women walk out, but the pretty women didn't notice Astrid, she was too bothered with the task of talking to Regina.

Astrid let her past, and then walked to door. Then she opened it lightly, slightly nervous to go inside. But she quickly steeled her nerve, and walked in with her head held high. But her nerves came back like a tidle wave, everyone stopped what they were doing when they saw her youthful face. That was when Astrid looked around, and noticed that it seemed like a celebration.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. Have I interrupted something? I can go and come back later if that's the case." Astrid's smooth voice spoke out, waking everyone up from their trances. A younger boy came up to her and smiled. Astrid grinned at him, he was a cute kid.

"No it's fine, I'm Henry. What are you doing in Storybrooke?" The ever so curious boy asked, Astrid just giggled and told him that it was her next big adventure in life. This extracted a large smile from the boy, he then began to lead her to one of the booths that weren't occupied. While doing so she noticed peoples stares, and a banner in the Diner 'WELCOME HOME MARY MARGARET AND EMMA'.

As Astrid sat down, she noticed to people walking to her and Henry. A man and a women. The man had dirty blonde hair, pretty blue eyes and a plump smile. He was smiling at the duo, his arm around a pretty women. The women had short dark hair and warm brown eyes. All in all the couple were beautiful and happy. Astrid was struck with wonder, who were they? And why did they seem so tense? Had she done something, already?

Astrid quickly extended her arm out for a hand shake, then quickly retracted it after Henry let out a loud laugh. The blonde's cheeks lit up with a fiery red, emphasising her embarrassment. This caused her to quickly turn to him and give him a playful glare. She just got a goofy grin in return.

The couple smiled at the pair, but still being cautious. They couldn't help but worry, and wonder about how she managed to enter their town. Just as Astrid was sticking out her tongue at Henry, the man cleared his throat and began to talk. "Hello I'm David and this is Mary Margaret, we just wanted to come and welcome you into our town." He flashed a charming smile at her. Astrid nearly swooned. He was a beautiful man, and he looked that much in love that it made her slightly jealous.

"Oh, thank you. I-its nice to meet you guys, I'm Astrid. Thanks for the welcome. Oh and welcome back Mary Margaret." The young girl giggled while pointing her finger at the sign. The couple smiled at her sweetness. While Astrid cursed herself, what kind of a Mikaelson stutters from their nervousness?

"Where are your parents, Astrid?" Mary Margaret's maternal side was coming out, she wanted to know why she was here, yes. But she couldn't help worry for her. The blonde was only small, maybe only 5"2 at a push. Her blue eyes were innocent and her smile was cheeky and something so sweet that only someone young could pull off.  So, of course the woman was worried, she needed to be with someone in a town like theirs.

"My father is with my twin in New Orleans. For my eighteenth birthday, they let me begin my own adventure. That's how I ended up here. I hope you don't mind." The blue eyed teen replied, slightly nervous. But began to calm down when Henry asked her about New Orleans. Astrid happily told th curious child. "It's one of the most beautiful places I've been. Different cultures everywhere. Jazz music everywhere. Oh and the wonderful people there, they're very welcoming." Henry was in awe, he had barely seen any of the outside world, and where she came from sounds absolutly beautiful.

The couple once hearing about the pretty girl's home, decided that she was trustworthy enough and sat wit her. They four began to chat happily, never having an awkward pause or tense moment. It was filled with curiosity and wonder.

At the end of the night, they learnt that Astrid had quite a big family. She had two aunts, Freya and Rebekah, four uncles - Finn, Elijah, Kol and Henrik. But two of her uncles were dead. They also found out that her mother died too. This cause the three family members to feel pity towards the young girl, but she shook it off with a sad smile. They also learnt that her best friends were here dad, twin and other uncle, Marcel, who was married to Rebekah.

At the end of the night, the three family members decided that Astrid could be trusted. They overlooked that dark, broken look in her eyes. But instead focused on how her orbs would light up when she talked about something she loved. They kept their eyes on her bright smile, that even cause Leroy to crack a smile. They focused on how she managed to get most of the people in Granny's Diner under her spell. At the end, they decided that they really liked the young girl.

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now