A wolf mistake

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You loved me and I froze in timeHungry for that flesh of mineBut I can't compete with the she wolf who has brought me to my kneesWhat do you see in those yellow eyes?'Cause I'm falling to pieces

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You loved me and I froze in time
Hungry for that flesh of mine
But I can't compete with the she wolf who has brought me to my knees
What do you see in those yellow eyes?
'Cause I'm falling to pieces

She Wolf - David Guetta ft. Sia

Third POV.

After staying the night over at Granny's, Astrid felt refreshed. This was one of the first times away from her family and she couldn't feel any happier. She had the chance to practice her magic without being interrupted from troublesome Kol. She could go out in her wolf from, she didn't have to worry about her family's constant worrying about her going out on her own. But before she could do anything, she rang her sister to quickly update what has happened. After saying some goodbye's she was ready to face the world.

Once arriving in the diner, Astrid asked Granny if she could have a bowl of fruit. The women happily gave the small teenager it. While munching on her treat, she didn't notice the young boy behind. He quickly tapped on her bare shoulder, and she turned to see him beaming up at her. She quickly smiled in return, while offering him some of her fruit, he blushed and accepted it.

Once eating his Strawberry, he quickly dragged her over to where his mother was sat. Emma saw the girl, and sent a cautious look towards her. Still not trusting her even after Henry's ramblings about her. Astrid ignored the look, she knew she would have to earn people's trust, expecting instant trust is not realistic.

"Hello Miss Swan, it's really nice to meet you. Henry told me a lot about you last night, along with David and Mary Margaret." At this, Emma smiled.

"Kid, it's Emma. not Miss Swan. It makes me feel older than I already am." At this Astrid blushed and smiled at the older women.

While Henry began to talk to his mother. Astrid quickly became distracted by her phone (only picking up on things about Ogres). She quickly looked to see a message from her dad. It was telling how much he loved her, and that he was glad she was safe. She smiled while telling him that she loved everyone and that she had made a few friends. 

"Well, I am not me. I'm walking you, because that's what mothers do, and I'm doing it." Emma's voice is what broke Astrid out of her daydream. Astrid quickly said goodbye to Henry while giving him a fist bump, and shooting Emma a small smile. The blonde returned it with her own cautious look and a small smile. The small family walked out of the diner, while Astrid walked back to her room.

But by doing this, she missed out on the chance of knowing the towns large secret, but she would find out soon enough.

Astrid found out about the poor man dying, but she didn't know him so she didn't see the point in going to his funeral. She gave flowers to David to put on the grave but that was it. She didn't feel sad that he died, she was used to death. It never shocked her anymore, she just knew that she hated the cruel thing that took away people's lives.

So while everyone was attending the funeral, she decided to call her sister, they talked about anything and everything, and they talked about the full moon coming up soon. Astrid knew that she would have to shift soon, or else she would be anxious the day the moon was present.

So she quickly ends the call to her sister and goes out towards the forest, completely forgetting about having a change of clothes. She shifts to her wolf form. Bones breaking, mending then re-breaking over and over again. By now it wasn't a hard task, it was simple and fast. Still painful, but not excruciating.

Her wolf was very beautiful, it was pitch black with piercing blue eyes. She was smaller than the average wolf, but that added to her charm. Her two front feet had white patches, which earned her the name socks from her sister and father. Her ears were rather droopy, and her tail was very fluffy. She didn't look much like a killer, more like something that would cuddle with children. But she was still capable of killing.

As she was running she heard arguing between two people, being the curious person she was, she went to investigate. As she arrived to where the sound was coming from, there was nothing there, perplexed she walked towards that dock. The sound becoming much more clearer, so she use a small amount of her magic to flare out into the perimeter. She noticed that there was an invisible ramp, she she walked up towards it, and on it. She followed it until everything showed.

The ship was rather beautiful, everything about it was clean an well looked after, but before she could admire it anymore, she hears something about a crocodile and murder. So she quickly ran to the source, only to see two men and a woman. Before she could even process wht she was going to do. She jumped at the man with piercing blue eyes. This caused gasps coming from all three of the people there. The blue eyed male looked up at her in confusion and wonder. His cool hook rested against her paws.

Before blue eyes could do anything, she got off him and nudged the brown haired female to safety. This was all it took for the three of them to escape. 

While Belle and Rumple were escaping, they made sure that their furry was going with them. They made sure to immobilise her, so they could bring her to Granny's diner, believing that the wolf was to do with Ruby. Astrid couldn't do anything while the older man was holding her body. Which she assumed was something to do with his magic, because he looked like he could barely carry himself, let alone a large animal.

When Astrid opened her eyes, she realised she was in front of Granny's diner and was being brought in. The couple opened the door, which got everyone's attention, people gasped at the wolf being carried by Mr Gold. He put Astrid down gently and removed his spell. He told her to shift, but she refused. Only doing so when she saw David and Mary Margaret's face. They looked at her body in awe.

While her bones were breaking, people cried with horror, never experiencing such a sight. And when she was fully transformed, everyone gasped at the sight of the pretty blonde. While she stood there looking around, David quickly ran to her and put his coat on her. 

This caused the girl to start crying. Trying to explain that she was only trying to protect the couple, she wasn't going to hurt them. All he did was pull her in a hug, which Mary Margaret joined. They promised the girl that since they know her secret, she can know theirs. But this didn't stop her crying, she thought that they thought of her as a monster. An abomination. 

With the unneeded stress on her small body, she passed out from exhaustion. And the young couple brought Astrid to their house.

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