Chapter 10

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Third POV.

Astrid decided she was going to learn how to fight with a sword. So, she was with Henry and Neal in the park. Neal was going to help them with their lesson. First he went through how to block, and attack. Then, he went through how to hold the sword properly, and how to strike without hurting oneself. 

After going through the run through, he decided it was time to practice. He first had Henry fight him - Astrid and Neal, knew that Henry was only doing this for fun. So after the two of them finished playing around. He turned to Astrid and nodded his head, telling her that it was time to begin. She sighed in excitement and bound over to the older man.

"I may not know how to fight properly with a sword, but I do know how to defend myself so do not go easy on me." She commanded, he nodded and smirked slightly at her. "Let's do this."

Neal was the first to advance, he struck Astrid at the side, knocking the wind out of her. She stood straight annoyed, and hit him on the side of the leg. Earning a grunt in return, he hit tried to hit her again. But due to her supernatural reflexes, she blocked it before it hit her. Spinning around, Astrid struck Neal across the neck. Causing him to fall back slightly, she heard Henry shout, he was shouting for Astrid to win. Grinning, she flipped over Neal, and tried to hit him again, but Neal grabbed her hand and pulled her to the ground. Her head thwacking off the floor, she groaned in response, only to feel the edge of the wooden sword on her throat. Astrid, laughing, stood up and high fived her older friend. Henry also joined in and congratulated Neal, an giving Astrid a hug well done.

After having fun with her two friends, Astrid fell asleep against Henry in the Park. Neal sighed and out Henry on his back, and carried Astrid bridal style, to Mary Margaret and David's loft. Emma sighed at the sight of the two young people and pointed to the couch. Laying down Astrid first, then Henry. Which caused Astrid to cuddle the younger boy. Sighing in content, she held him close. Neal and Emma smiled at the cute sight.

After walking Henry to school, Astrid walked to the docks. Sighing, she was thinking about Killian. She missed the man, and his dashing good looks. Shaking her head, she focused on more positive things. Her new family, they have became everything to the young girl - apart from the Mikaelsons, obviously.

A sigh escaped someone's mouth is what broke her from her thoughts. She turned quickly to look at the person stood next to her. Swinging her first to the side of his face, is what wiped the smirk from his face, "That was for hurting Gold and leaving without telling me." Then she quickly wrapped the man in a hug. "I missed you, Killian." He smiled at the spitfire in his arms and said he missed her too. They stood like that for a while, until someone was heard talking. Killian quickly moved away from the teenager. "I have to go, love. I'll see you soon." He kissed her cheek and walk away. Her face burned bright, her cheek could still feel the ghost of his lips. Smiling she walked away from the docks.

Going to her friend's loft, she walked in and heard Henry talking. "So... we're back in business? I heard everything." 

"I thought you were in the shower."

"Exactly. Operation Cobra's back on. We're investigating Tamara, right?" Henry spoke, Astrid walked over to the two people. "Count me in, I love stuff like this." Rolling her eyes Emma told her son to get his coat. Smiling, the trio walked out of the door.

"Operation Cobra was about breaking the curse. This is about keeping Storybrooke secret. We need a new name." Henry spoke, earning a thoughtful look from Astrid.

"Operation Tiger." Astrid shook her head, it was too bold for their secret mission.


"I need a why? You never need a why."

"Because I'm guessing that Henry's ideas are that good that he doesn't need to explain." Astrid quipped, earning a smile from Henry. Emma rolled her eyes.

"I want something like the town, something that hides in plain sight. Something like a praying mantis." Astrid high fived him, liking the name of their mission. A door bell jingled, causing them to be told to duck. Doing so, Emma spoke "Oh. No, it's not them."

"Stakeouts are fun." Henry spoke, Astrid nodded stuffing her face with some Ice Cream she got at the local Ice Cream parlour. 

"Not usually. But this one? Yeah, kinda." Emma smiled at Henry and Astrid.

"I thought by now we'd be having adventures. Over there, you know? Riding horses, shooting bow and arrows. This is cool, too." Henry spoke. Astrid decided to speak. "Well, if you want an adventure. You can always come to New Orleans to meet my Family. They can tell you a thousand stories, even when we rode on Horses and used Swords for weapons." They smiled at each other.

"Is that still something you want? I mean, if there was a way to... go back to the enchanted forest? Would you come Astrid?" Emma spoke 

"Is there?" Both Astrid and Henry spoke. Emma shook her head at the duo.

"No, don't be crazy."

"There is. A way back. The—a bean or something. The giant brought it, didn't he?" Astrid spoke and Henry nodded, backing her up.

"You are a smart kid." Emma commented. Astrid smirked "Of course I am, I'm a Mikaelson after all."

"That's awesome! We could get, like, a castle—you, me, and Neal. And Astrid can come with her family too." Astrid smiled at his innocence.

"Oh, hey, whoa. No way. That—we're not—that's not-"

"I ship it." Astrid sang, only to get an elbow in the ribs.

 "Duck!" They see Neal and Tamara leaving the shop. "Operation Praying Mantis is on." Henry smiled. Astrid giggled in return

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now