Chapter 19

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Third POV.

After being woke up by Killian, Astrid stood next to Emma, to try help the women with her magic. "When I was younger, my mother, took me to this school to help with my powers. One of the first things I was taught, was how to use my magic. Alaric, the headteacher, taught me and Hope, that we need to look into ourselves to be able to produce magic. So every day, I used to meditate for hours on end to help concentrate the magic inside of me to be able to use. However since we don't have that, I'll teach you a small exercise." Astrid trailed off to look at Emma, the older women nodded down towards her and they begun. "Now I know that we don't have the same kind of magic, but producing fire is the same in any type. So look inside yourself, feel your magic. Imagine seeing it, whether it be dull or bright, imagine it. Then imagine it flowing through your arms, the magic being hot. And imagine it trailing towards your finger tips. Once arriving, imagine the magic to explode, and to see it in real life." Giving an example, Astrid showed Emma her fire.

Nodding, Emma concentrated for ten minutes. After nothing happened, she sighing exasperation, Astrid tapped her shoulder and told her to retry. After another ten minutes, Astrid was ready to try something new, but suddenly a fire ball exploded from Emma's hand. Quickly she threw it into the camp fire and turned to Astrid. Laughing, the blonde threw her hands, around Astrid's shoulder. Smiling, Astrid asked Emma to try it again, it shouldn't take her as long as it did before.

"Where are you going?" Astrid asked the trio in front of her, all three of them looking suspicious. Hook refused to meet her eyes, and David and Mary Margaret looked away. Emma also looked towards them, and she arched an eyebrow in question.


"To get water." David and Hook spoke at the same time. Astrid raised an eyebrow in question, wondering what the were going to do.

"Neal's alive." Mary Margaret uttered. Emma and Astrid looked towards each other in wonder. Then after a moment, their eyes lit up in excitement. Emma's because her first love isn't dead, and Astrid because they have a chance of leaving and Henry's dad - and her friend - is alive.

Astrid was stunned to silence, after hope was lost. It came crashing back in the person that is Neal. Giggling slightly, she walked over to Mary Margaret and took her hand. The two people held hands while smiling at each other. But their smiled dimmed, when Regina left to go get Henry. Mary Margaret decided that it was time she spread her wisdom, so he opened her mouth and spoke "Just because it seems too good to be true doesn't mean it is. Don't give up. You owe it to Henry to find out if his father's still alive, and you owe it to yourself."

"Mary Margaret can I speak to you?" Astrid meekly spoke, the older women smiled at her and nodded. Then she led them over to a log so they could privately speak. "I nearly kissed Killian, I mean I really want to kiss him properly. But, I've never kissed anyone and I want him to be my first." She rambled off, nervously.

"Well kiss him, he likes you and you like him. I've seen the way you two look at each other, and if you want our happy ending, then you have to get him. But don't tell David, he'll probably try to fight him." Mary Margaret trailed and the two of them broke into giggles. Astrid calmed down, and nodded. Thankful at Mary Margaret's helpfulness. Slowly she got off the log and walked over to Killian. 

But before she could do anything, they were told that they had to go look for Neal. Sighing in disappointment, Astrid began following the group. The path they took, led them straight to some caves. 

"The tracks lead directly into that cave. This must be where Pan is keeping Neal." Emma smiled in hope.

"If the cave is some sort of prison, why aren't there any guards posted to stop us?" David warily commented, unsure about how he feels about the place.

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now