Chapter 21

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Third POV.

The bigger group, found its way into the back of Pan's compound. They cast a spell on the Lost Boys to make the fall asleep. But after looking around the camp, they couldn't find Henry or Pan. Growling in frustration, Astrid clenched her fists, her fingernails digging into her palm. Crescent shaped cuts in her palm, Astrid shook her head and focused on the plan.

But before could wallow in their sadness, a strangled cry for help caught their attention, running to the source of the noise, they realised that it was just a young girl in a cage. Sighing, Astrid bent down to the younger girl's height and offered her a comforting smile But the smile dropped when the girl told them that Pan needed Henry's heart to absorb all magic. To make him all powerful and immortal. Astrid scoffed at that, she was slowly getting pissed off at Pan, and if you asked her family, you do not want a pissed of Astrid.

Then Mary Margaret, asked wat would happen to Henry, Wendy Darling told them that it was a trade. For Pan to live forever, Henry must die. Astrid tried not to get angry, so she hugged into Killian and took deep breaths. She thought of the things she loves, family, Killian, Harry Potter and all of the things she grew up with. Killian, wrapped his arms around her and Astrid grabbed the arm with the hug and snuggled into tit. After a few calming breaths, Astrid heard Wendy say that he was on Skull Rock.

So a new plan was formed, Mary Margaret, David and the others would go over to Skull Rock, while Killian and herself would watch after the lost boys. "Tell Henry that I love him when you see him." With that, the group left to go get Henry.

Killian and Astrid sat next to each other, while the younger boys were sleeping. Looking around in sadness, Astrid's gaze locked on some of the younger boys. "Killian, some of these are just toddlers." She looked towards one of the babies of the group, "I mean, look at him. The poor little thing, I want to help them. No child, deserves a life like this, when we go back. I will help them." she enthusiastically spoke, looking over at the man next to her. 

Killian's eyes were full of love, and awe. "And, I, will help, love." They gazed at each other for a long moment. Slowly leaning into each other, their lips only touched for a moment, before they were interrupted by the group returning with Henry. They quickly layed him on a cot, before Mary Margaret spoke in dismay, "Gold is in a box. And David can never leave the island."

"Mary Margaret, that doesn't matter. I've already made peace with that. What matters is Henry. How much time do we have left?" David spoke, pointing his question towards Regina.

"Maybe an hour before the preservation spell wears off." 

"If he's airborne, he could be anywhere on the island." Neal spoke.

"An hour isn't much time. I suggest we get started looking." Hook suggested from Astrid's side. Earning a nod from the girl by his side.

"Where is he?" Regina shouted at the blonde lost boy who woke from his deep slumber.

"Gone. There's nothing you can do. He's already won. Pan never fails." Felix sirked at her in triumph.

"Don't always believe in people like that, Felix." Astrid spoke calmly to him, learning te boy's name from Killian. But Regina walked over to the boy and went to pull out his heart.

"Regina, wait." Emma quickly spoke out, hoping to deter the women from hurting the boy in front of her

"There's no time!"

"I don't think torture is our best move here. Look at these kids. They've been to hell and back. We need to try something else." Astrid spoke, looking around, catching eyes with the little boy. He stared back at her innocently, and Astrid nearly cooed out loud at the child's pretty eyes.

"Yeah, we tried the cute and cuddly. They don't respond to reason. What else do you have to offer?"

"What every kid wants. A mother." Emma spoke and Astrid continued for her "A protector."

While Emma spoke to all of the Lost boys, Astrid walked over to little boy she was looking at before. Sitting down next to the child, she comfortingly smiled at him at spoke. "Hey there little man, you okay?" She asked, while the by peered up at her through his dark eyelashes. Cooing, Astrid asked for his name. To which he responded with a small "Magnus." Smiling, Astrid peered into the child's eyes and spoke. "Magnus means great, little one, and from what I can see, you are already great sweetheart." The little boy giggled at her, and hugged her. 

Astrid wrapped her arms around her and asked how long he had been there for. To which he replied with a few days. He told her that and the shadow took him to Neverland, away from his family, but he wasn't too sure what was happening and why Pan was bad. Astrid just sighed, and lifted him up and placed him on her hip. The young boy babbled in her ear, telling her that he was four years old and that his favourite food was Pizza. 

Astrid continued to speak to him, while she walked over to Emma. She learnt that Pan was probably in his Thinking Tree. Emma tearfully spoke, telling the group that they were going home. Astrid giggled, and spun around with Magnus. Eliciting peals of laughter from the little boy, Killian watched the scene with eyes filled with love. Happy that the girl he was in love with was happy. 

Killian and Astrid began leading the lost boys onto the Jolly Roger, awaiting for the others to get there. When they got there, Astrid laughed when Henry woke up, running towards him and hugging the child, she was finally calm now that one part of her family was together again. "Welcome back, little man." She went to do their signature handshake and he did it without hesitation, both of them laughing at the end. She was happy that he was back. 

Laughing softly, she walked over to Killian and Magnus, smiling at them. When they released the shadow, it went over to the sail. Astrid picked up Magnus, and they looked overboard, to see the ship floating in the air. Magnus giggled in excitement, at the magic surrounded by them, Magnus escaped form Astrid's arms and ran over to his friends sat on the deck. Astrid walked over to Killian and nuzzled into his side he sighed and kissed the side of her head.

They were finally going home.

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now