Chapter 35

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Third POV.

The group enters Rumple's castle, Astrid looked around in awe, the Castle was beautiful. "Thank you, Mr. Gol- Rumplestiltskin, for believing us. I know that time travel is hard to swallow." Emma told the crazy man, Astrid rolled her eyes.

"Not as hard as the other mystery you've presented me." He points to Killian. "Why haven't I killed him?" Astrid smirked, she definitely preferred this version more than the one back home. At least he had a sense of humour.

"If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't for lack of efforts. Let's just say we bury the hatchet." Killian looked at the man uneasily.

"Yes, but why not in your skull?" Astrid laughed loudly at what he said, earning looks from everyone in the room. Rumple looked to her in amusement, Killian looked at her in horror. But before anymore could be said, Belle entered.

" Oh, Rumplestiltskin. You're back. Do you, uh, do you need anything?" She asked him directly, not holding the warmth she normally would when she spoke to her love. Emma stared at her in shock, then proceeded to say her name. To which the girl asked if they knew each other. Emma told her that Rumple told them about her, Astrid nodded in agreement. She asked if he actually did.

"No." He makes a dismissive gesture to Belle. "Go away and read a book or whatever it is you like to do. Come back and clean later." Belle retorted with a 'you could ask nicely.' To which he replied with a snarky. "I could also turn you into a toad." She leaves.

"It's a miracle you two fall for each other." Astrid jabs Emma in the stomach, Killian stares at Emma in annoyance. Rumple laughs.

"What? I mean, first you tell me I let the pirate live. Now you're telling me I fall for the help."

"Yes. She has a strange sense of humor. But let's get back to her parents." Killian interrupted. After a long, boring, conversation, the group have to get Mary Margaret because of Emma's accident all of the future stories have been erased from the Storybook. They have to get Mary Margaret to speak to Killian. So they go to where past Killian was.

"There I am. Rather dashing, don't you think?" Killian asked Astrid while they were watching the past version of himself playing a game. Astrid nodded, they were beautiful. She watched with rapt attention, notice that the past Killian laughed carefree with the other people around him, it was a stunning image.

 "Is this even a good idea? What about preserving the future?" Emma asks Killian, noticing Astrid's lack of attention. He continued to watch his past self while speaking to the two.

"It'll be fine. Given what I'm drinking, if I remember anything, I'll simply blame the rum. Just make sure that I - he - remains occupied. Doesn't return to my . I'll take care of the rest." He informed them, assuming Emma would do something. But, Astrid stood up, happily and took off her cloak. He looks to her and stares in shock, as she undoes her corset as well as pulls her breasts out more to make them more noticeable. He stared in shock.

"Wait. What are you doing?" He asked while trying to cover her, she just smirked and stood up.

"Making sure he stays occupied. Shouldn't be difficult. You and I both know I'm his type." She kissed his cheek and walked off.

"Love, that man sitting there... you don't know him. Just be careful." She nodded.

"Oh I will, and what I'm going to do, is not cheating because it is still you, and I would never betray you. But don't get jealous..." She trailed off while biting her lip, her eyes darkened slightly. He looked to her in horror, but she walked off before he could do anything. She mussed up her hair as she walked, giving it a more sexy and dangerous look.

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now