Chapter 15

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Third POV.

"We don't have to do it this way. I can fix the Jolly Roger. My magic is powerful enough. We can execute the pirate's plan." Regina bitterly commented, she just wanted her son back in her arms. She just wants him safe and happy, and who knows what is happening to him on such an island.

"Sneak attack? Let's not be naive. Save your magic. We'll need it later, because Pan already knows we're here. It's time we stop running. Gold was right. This land is run on belief. All of us have been too busy being at each other's throat to be believers. I was as wrong as anyone else. It's time for all of us to believe. Not in magic, but in each other." Emma confidently spoke, Astrid gazed up at her in awe. She was strong, Astrid hopes to be like that one day: strong and independent.

"You want to be friends? After everything that's happened between all of us?" Regina couldn't believe what had just came out of the saviour's mouth.

"I don't want or expect that. I know there's a lot of history here, a lot of hate." Emma spoke, sharing a look with the mayor.

"Actually, I quite fancy Astrid, she's rather beautiful and she has a spitfire personality. I like that in my women." Killian turned to wink at Astrid, and he saw how red her cheeks became. His smirk turned into a full smile, one that took Astrid's breath away. 

"We don't need to be friends. What we need to now is-" Astrid blocked out the rest, she was shocked. One of the best looking men she had ever saw, said he fancies her. HER. The beautiful man in front of her, decided that he likes her, not Emma or Regina, her. She was shellshocked. Unable to process any thoughts, she just followed the group on autopilot mode. Her ability to concentrate went straight out of the window.

Only when Killian slowed down and walked with her, did she regain her ability to think and concentrate. "Well, they got it all wrong. Pan is the most treacherous villain I've ever faced. Tell me something, love. In these stories...what was I like? Other than a villain. Handsome, I gather." He spoke to Emma, but quickly caught Astrid's attention. 

"If waxed mustaches and perms are your thing. Plus you live up to the pirate look. All in leather, dashing good looks and a great personality." Astrid smiled at him, finally regaining her confidence to flirt with him. Surprisingly, she saw a red hue cover cover his cheeks slightly. She smiled at the accomplishment.

"I take it by your tone, perms are bad?" He looked unsure, Astrid just giggled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. His confusion was quite cute. Before he had the chance to do anything, she flounced off. Regina telling them that she had found it, and that it was up here.

"Pan's lair should be just...right..." Killian trailed off, looking around to see overgrown greenery, Astrid held his hand as he tensed up.

"Where? All I see is jungle." Regina announced.

"Aye. The Dark Jungle." Killian takes out his telescope to survey the land. Astrid admired his figure as he did so. She caught sight with Mary Margaret, she had an understanding look in her face. Astrid only blushed at the look she was give, "It's, uh, grown so much since I last stepped foot in Neverland."

"So this nature hike was for nothing." Regina sighed.

"Hook may have led us astray, but at least we're in a good position to start combing the jungle." David spoke, still feeling guilty that he broke Astrid's nose.

"Not exactly. The Dark Jungle's the last place you wanna set foot. We'll have to go around it. In order to do that, we're gonna need our strength. I suggest we make camp." He suggested.

"You wanna sleep while my son is out there suffering?" Regina spoke incredulously.

"If we want to live long enough to save the boy...Yes."

Astrid and Killian helped set up camp. While everyone settled down, David dragged Astrid over by them. Not trusting the one handed pirate in the slightest, while also apologising about her nose. All she did was shrug it off and scrunch her nose up cutely, trying to prove that it healed well and properly. This earned her a snort from said man and a gentle push. After laying down, everyone begin to go to sleep. But Astrid couldn't she was cold.

Sighing she turned on her side, only to see Killian's strong back a few metres ahead of her. Exhaling, she stood up and walked over to the man that has been taking uo her thoughts and tapped his shoulder. "Killian, I can't sleep." She muttered while he groaned slightly and opened his eyes to look at her.

"Come here, love." He patted the space next to him, waiting for her to lie down. He moved closer and spooned her. "There you go, love." He smiled down at her adoringly. She turned to cuddle into his chest, and slowly fell asleep, his scent calming her down and enveloping her senses. He sighed in happiness and nuzzled her head with his nose. After breathing in her intoxicating scent, he calmed down and fell asleep. 

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now