Chapter 17

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Third POV.

After being woke up from her short nap, Astrid listened determinedly to Killian explain the terrain of Neverland. She was going to make sure that she found Henry and brought him home, safe and sound. And if anyone touched a strand of hair on his cute little head, then she would rip the people apart, piece by piece.

"Is rum your solution to everything?" Emma questioned Killian, actually curious about his drinking habits. 

"It certainly doesn't hurt." Killian replied, while holding out the bottle to Emma, she shook her head. Then he turned to Astrid and offered her some. She shook her head and explained why, "My father once told me a story on how he got that drunk on Rum, he slaughtered everyone within a mile distance. I don't wanna lose control of that side of myself."

Killian shook his head "No love, that is your father, not you. If you feel like you'll lose control, I'll be here holding you back." Hesitantly, she nodded and took a small swig of the alcohol. Scrunching her face up she coughed a little and spluttered. "See, I'll make a pirate out of you yet." He smirked at her, Astrid just giggled at his playfulness and handed him his rum back. He took it and drank more, Astrid followed his movements like a Hawk. She watched his lips wrap around it and watched his Adams apple bop up and down. Sighing, she broke her stare and looked at Emma.

"So just how did you unlock the map?" She peered up at the older woman, curiosity beneath her blue orbs. Emma just shook her head and said she did what Pan told her to do. "So, who are you, Emma?" She innocently asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." With that Emma walked off, Astrid got up to follow her, but Killian held her back and shook his head. Exhaling, she nodded and sat next to him again. Talking, and getting to know each other more. 

Causing their Hearts to entwine even more. Their heart beat became synchronised, and their souls called out for each other.

While walking in the deciduous forest, Astrid listened to David and Mary Margaret flirt and joke. Sighing, after hearing Regina say that Emma got them lost, she reached inside Killian's shirt and pulled out his Scope and looked around. "His camp isn't here." Chuckling, Killian told them that Pan is moving his camp. Releasing a small snarl, Astrid passed Killian back his scope and trudged on.

"So, this whole trek has been for nothing?" Emma spit, she was getting angry with Pan, all she wanted was her son and to go home. 

"I told you walking was idiotic. If I can just use some , we can materialize in the camp and grab Henry." Astrid shook her head at Regina's idea, look at what magic did to them last time. Astrid was even willing to do a locator spell, but abolished it the minute she transformed, when Pan called them all cheaters.

"We don't know where the camp is. Have you even been listening?" Mary Margaret retorted, fed up with the arguing going on between her camp mates.

"Pan will have shields against magic, I fear. Such an attempt would end in your death, and more importantly, mine, which is why we're walking." Killian explained, looking onwards in frustration, these last few days were killing him. The only thing keeping him from turning back to his ship was the little spitfire in front of him.

"Well then, what's your idea? How are we going to find it?"

"By using someone he trusts." Killian spoke in caution.

"Who? Because I guess he certainly doesn't trust you." David snapped, Killian was annoying him with his attention to the blonde girl.

"A who lived here when I was about. She might still be on the island. She'd be an inside source, knows all about the camp, can get us in. She might even have some left. Perhaps we could fly in." 

"You mean." Emma trailed off, unsure.

"No, pixie dust. It's stronger. Like nuclear fairy dust."

"Wait. A fairy? Because if it is who I think it is I may faint." Astrid rambled.

"Do you know her?" Killian questioned, he was curious as to how she knew.

"Every kid in the world knows her. My dad used to tell us stories about her when we were younger." Astrid clarified, Hook nodded, still unsure as to how she knew about the fairy.

"That's a bad idea. Mark my words. This Tinker Bell -" Astrid squealed pretty loud, "- is not going to save us."

Killian walked away from Astrid towards David, respecting their privacy she slowed down slightly so she didn't listen in. But when she saw David lift up his shirt slightly - she didn't see the veins - she whistled and grinned at the man. He turned around to her and shook his head at her. Killian also turned around and glared at her, she shook her head at him and blew him a small kiss. Said man shook his head and continued his conversation with David.

When they arrived at Tinkerbell's home, Astrid ran in an began to look around. Hoping to see her green shoes with the little pompoms on. Sighing in disappointment when she didn't, she walked back over  to her group, only finding out that Regina wasn't there. "Guys where's Regina?"

After finding Tinker Bell's actual hide out. Astrid stopped to tie her shoe lace, and to tie her slightly greasy hair into a ponytail. Giving a sigh, she walked into the cave and walked in. Only to hear Killian go "Tink, after all we've been through together, a little assistance." Astrid let out a small growl. Now Astrid wasn't jealous of the fact that Killian is talking to someone he had a pst with. She can't and won't hold that against him. 

But she was jealous over the idea of using Killian's past with her as a way to get stuff done. Killian was hers now, she didn't want him to go with others. She cared about him, it was even getting close to love. So hearing him say that, hurt a little.

"I guess people just stopped believing in me. And if I wanted to helped you, he's too powerful." Tink spoke in sadness, Astrid relaxed her shoulder and walked over to her and gave her a small smile, while joining Emma's side.

"But you know where Pan is?" Mary Margaret probed.

"Sure. But it won't do you a bit of good."

"Let us be the judge of that. Does he trust you?"

"Can you get us inside his compound?" Emma asked, slightly desperate, which caused Astrid to grab the older female's hand and squeeze it in reassurance. Once she felt Emma squeeze it back, she let her hand go and crossed her arms.

"Maybe. Why should I help you?"

"Because I believe in you. I have since I've been a little girl." Astrid smiled and spoke towards the fairy. 

"Just get us inside, and we'll take care of things from there." Astrid and the others nodded along to Emma's suggestion.

"And what's in it for me, other than a dead sentence from Pan when you're gone with your boy?" Tink questioned, thinking about herself. Astrid saw a lot of her uncle Kol in Tink, she was betrayed by the people she cared about. Which caused her to put up a cold demeanour, but on the inside she cared more than others.

"You can come with us." Mary Margaret nodded with Emma and continuing "That's right. A home. That is what you want. Isn't it?"

"Okay. Listen closely. Pan trusts me. He'll let me in. And maybe, just maybe, I'll leave a way open for you. But you've only got one shot, so you better have a good plan."

"Thank you. We will." Emma spoke. Then Mary Margaret suggested they went back to their camp for the rest of the night. Everyone nodded, and left Tink's home.

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