Chapter 25

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Third POV.

When Killian started explaining to Astrid about all of the things he knew about her, she felt as if her brain was going to explode. How could this beautiful man know all of these things about her? Not even her dad or Hope know about some of these. 

He knew some trivial things, like her favourite colour, or her favourite food. And then some more intimate things like her worries, how she fears that one day she will lose control and kill someone who doesn't deserve it. And when he told her these things, his eyes would gain this magnificent sparkle, which would light his whole face up. So, after eating her sandwich, she led him outside and spoke.

"Okay, you can kiss me, but if you're lying you will face the consequences." Killian nodded, happily, he was finally going to fill up that hole in his heart.

Gently, he grabbed her face, with one hand, and tilted it upwards. Then he gave her a heart melting smile and captured her lips in his own. At first nothing happened, no memories came pulsing back to her sore head, but then it all changed.

"Hey David, I love you and Mary Margaret." Astrid spoke while hugging the two of them. They were surrounded by dense forest and dark weather. After hugging them, she left to go see Killian. She snuggled into his side as he sat by the fire. 

He started explaining to the girl abut his past life, how he was that set on revenge he didn't stop to admire the beauty of life. He couldn't bare the thought of life without Mirah, but Astrid came along and stole his heart. 

That was one of the many memories that came back, but it was one of her favourites. It was when she truly understood the man behind the Hook. 

Gasping slightly, she returned Killian's kiss with as much love as she could muster, pouring all of the feelings she felt when he left her. Anger, pain, sadness, oh so much sadness that it nearly made him weep at the thought of her sadness. But they were finally together, and nothing could stop them now.

"I love you, so much." Astrid spoke thickly, large tears rolling down her face as she sniffled, Killian just smirked at her in admiration as he wiped away hr tears with his hand and said "And I, you, my love." She giggled at him and hugged him around the waist, snuggling into his chest. Breathing in, she inhaled his normal scent, which calmed her down largely.

So, after a few minutes of staying in each other's arms, the couple pulled away. Astrid quickly told the man that she would show him around New York. He nodded, and they had their small date. She showed him her favourite places, he liked the ships. 

So after a few hours of being together, Killian said he had to go to meet Emma, to make her remember. Nodding, she told him that she would see him at Emma's house. They kissed quickly, and left each other's arms.

When Emma and Killian entered the house, Astrid laughed at Killian's tales of his experience in jail. She was very amused, but hen he started to tell them about how it was like in the Enchanted Forest. "Snow and the Queen settled their differences. Frankly, I was bored. I had a life to get back to. A pirate's life."

"Glad to see you haven't changed." Emma and Astrid spoke at the same time, Astrid smiled at the older women in amusement.

"There wasn't anything for me in the Enchanted Forest. Why would I stay?" They clink glasses, and Astrid cringes at the drink she jus had a swig from. "All was well until I got a message. A message saying that there was a new curse and that everyone had been returned to Storybrooke. The message told me that the only hope was you."

"You came all the way back here to save my family?" Emma asked in disbelief, sharing a look of uncertainty with Astrid.

"I came back to save Astrid." Killian spoke, while subtly smirking at Astrid's small pout.

"Who could have done this?" Astrid questioned, only to earn a shrug from the man next o her.

"Someone powerful enough to reach into this world." Astrid stared int her drink, trying to think of any fairytale characters like that.

"Any more specific thoughts?"

"Alas, you're the savior, not me."

"You know what I was yesterday? A mother and a sister. Till you showed up and started pocking holes in everything I thought was real. When I drank that potion it was like waking up from a dream. A really good dream." Emma spoke through gritted teeth, while looking at Astrid with love.

"Well, you have what matters most. Your son and your sister."

"Now, I have to figure out how to explain this to him." Astrid quickly offered to tell him, but was shut down by Emma.

"Alas, I could only scavenge together enough for one dose of memory potion." Astrid clapped sarcastically at the man, while giggling slightly at his expression.

"Better start figuring out what I'm gonna tell him." The doorbell rang, knocking them out from their thoughts. Killian asked who it is, while looking at Astrid in admiration. Emma told them that it was Walsh, to which Astrid giggled slightly at.

 "I could get rid of him." Killian spoke while starting to get up from his seat. Astrid shook her head while pulling him down.

"No. My memories might not be real, but he is and so are the eight months we spent together. I owe him an explanation." Emma spoke, while Astrid nodded at the idea, believing it to be good.

"What are you gonna say to him?" Astrid asked.

"I don't know. But I care about him too much to drag him into all this. Wait here." The two of them nodded, while Emma left. Astrid quickly turned to Killian and told him that they were going to watch Peter Pan. Astrid wanted Killian to know what Hook looked like in the movie. Killian sighed slightly and nodded in response.

"I look nothing like that, I'm dashing and funny." Killian spoke angrily after watching the whole movie. Astrid giggled and spoke "Well, of course, you are one of the best looking men I have ever saw." She admitted, inflating his ego tenfold.

Emma came back to them distraught, she told them about Walsh. She asked Astrid to goo with Killian, she wanted the night on her own. Astrid nodded and left with Killian. The two of them rooming at a small Bed and Breakfast, while waiting for the morning.

The couple knocked on Emma's door in the morning, after a few words shared between them, they began their journey back to Storybrooke. Astrid sending a small text to her family, telling them where they were going.

Astrid, didn't even wait for Emma and Killian, she leapt out of the car, and ran to David and Mary Margaret's loft. Once arriving, Astrid knocked on the door quickly. Once it was opened, Astrid admired David's face. Still as handsome as ever. Before she could do anything, he pulled Astrid in for a hug. Laughing in joy, she returned the hug and waited for the others to come.

Once Emma arrived, she pulled away and walked inside. Once they were finished, they all came inside. Mary Margaret came down, and Astrid spoke "Holy shit."

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now