Chapter 34

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Third POV.

Astrid, Killian and Emma entered Granny's diner, they were all smiling, Astrid  occasionally giggling. Then Emma sighed at the story Henry was telling her little brother. "Really? I can't hear the kid's name yet, but I have to hear this story again?" They walked over to the group.

"Well, my son should know where he comes from." David told her, smiling at Astrid's fawning over the little boy.

"Are you sure you want the first thing he knows to be that his parents fell in love during an armed robbery?" Emma asked them, Astrid spoke up.

"Well at least, your parents made you on a one night stand." She laughed at Killian's face. Then turned to Kol. "Or did they meet by dad trying to kill someone?" She asked her uncle. Kol shrugged.

"I don't know darling, I tend to block out what your father says." Astrid and himself laughed loudly at what he said, Davina nodded along in agreement.

Mary Margaret spoke up after calming down from her laughter. "I wasn't armed!" Emma and Astrid shared a look and both rolled their eyes.

"Except with a rock." Ruby commented.

"I still have the scar." Astrid looked at his face, unable to see a scar.

"Which healed. But that's just how we met. It's not how we fell in love." Astrid smiled at it.

"Yeah, that was a bit more complicated." David turns the page, revealing an illustration of himself fighting off Black Nights "See? There were Black Knights, and I saved your mother's life."

She turns to the next page, showing a drawing of herself at the Troll Bridge transforming the trolls into cockroaches. Astrid stared at the picture in awe. Eventhough she had read the book a few times, it always shocks her at how detailed it is. "And the attack on the Troll Bridge when I saved his."

"But it wasn't until I saw my mother's ring on her finger that I knew in my heart there was no other woman I would ever love." Astrid let out a loud Awe, earning a look from Killian. She smirked at him.

"You should've told me then. We would have saved so much time." Mary Margaret remarked.

"Well, could I? I had to get to my wedding."

"Sorry, did I miss something? You were previously betrothed, mate?" Killian asked in shock.

"To Kathryn." Kol winced. Ruby motioned to a women sat talking to Granny. "Though, she was Princess Abigail back then."

"King Midas' daughter? The man who can turn anything to gold? Why would you leave that opportunity?" Killian asked the couple, Astrid nodded.

"If he could still do that now, I'd leave Killian instantly. Who doesn't want a man who can turn anything to gold?" She smirked, teasing Killian.

"And I'd let her, I could never compete with someone like that." He smirked down at her, she winked up at him. Davina hid her laugh with a cough as Kol growled.

"Hey!" Mary Margaret gasped out, Killian and Astrid laughed lightly. Before they could continue, Astrid's phone rang. She excused herself. She walked over to the corner of the room and answered.

"Littlest Wolf!" Her father's smooth voice rang out, she smiled.

"Hi daddy." She spoke lovingly into the phone.

"Love, all of us are on our way to you fairytale riddled town." He heard her take a sharp intake of breath, he smirked. Astrid saw Emma storm out, she would find out later. "We'll be there soon. Your sister is very exstatic to see you." Astrid giggled.

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now