Chapter 27

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Third POV.

"So, now that we know who we are dealing with, how do we find this Wicked witch?" David asked, while Astrid pondered silently. Before she could say anything, Killian spoke.

"Might I suggest we start by asking, if anyone has seen a woman with green skin running around." Astrid laughed at his comment, but in return got a look from David. Clearing her throat, Astrid crossed her arms and pouted.

"We're in Storybrooke. She'll look like any one of us." Regina said, she was smirking slightly, amused by Astrid's facial expression.

"Then we start somewhere we know she's been. Regina's office." Emma spoke monotonously.

"I've been over it with a fine-toothed comb. She left no trace." Astrid was thinking of any magic like that, but soon realised her magic was different from theirs. Different traces and everything, this caused Astrid to stop listening. She was wondering if there was a possibility to perform any of the spells the people here could do, since she has been exposed to it, maybe her magic had adapted. She figured that she would find out later, maybe even ask Regina to help her.

"Time is wasting. There's something wicked in your town. What do you say we go find it?" They nodded at his comment, time was truly running out.

"I think I have a partial footprint. You guys see anything?" David asked Killian, Emma and Astrid. Emma shook her head, while Astrid replied with a short nada.

"Other than an austere sense of design? Nothing." Crouching down David examined the partial footprint more closely. Emma joined him.

"Is that blood?" Emma asked.

"No, it's a berry." Astrid commented, the smell now mentioned, was quite strong. Her Supernatural sense of smell was amazing.

"Like a fruit?" Astrid shook her head, the scent wasn't too sweet.

"No, like Holly berry. They grow on bushes." David said, Astrid was confused as to how he knew this.

"Are you some sort of botanist in this life, mate?" Killian quipped, Astrid snorted loudly. Her boyfriend was rather funny when he wanted to be. But looking at the other's faces, it wasn't that funny. But that is what love does, makes even the most stupid things hilarious.

"I've worked in an animal shelter. Saw dogs track them all the time. The bushes grow in the woods."

"You know where?" Astrid asked, while joining Killian's side.

"Yeah, in the north-west corner, not far from the toll bridge." David's phone vibrates. After reading the message, he sighs.

"You okay, David?" Astrid asked in worry.

" I'm fine 'Strid, Mary Margaret needs me to come back to the loft. We're getting a midwife and she wants to meet the both of us." Astrid and Emma nodded.

"A bit demanding, isn't she?" Astrid kicked him in the shin, mentally telling him to shut up. "I meant the midwife." Killian said after groaning, he then looked at Astrid and playfully glared at her. She, in return, just pouted at him, his mock anger was gone in an instant. Astrid then turned to David and told him to go, their child was more important, besides they could figure it out themselves.

After a few minutes of bickering, he sighed, nodded then left.

Astrid and Killian were walking in the forest, Emma had to leave them. As they were walking, Killian passed some Holly Berries. He used his hook to shake them, Astrid just shook her head in amusement.

Storybrooke's Mikaelson - Killian Jones (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now