27//"He does miss you by the way."//

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MiHi's POV

I'm standing in front of Jin and Jungkook's door rethinking my choices. Why didn't I stop before getting here to rationalize things? What if he doesn't miss me? He did come to the hospital, so he cares...but does he miss me?

I shake my head and brush my hair back. I hesitantly begin to lift my arm up and hover my hand over the door. After a few long seconds, I lay my knuckles down on the door in a quiet knock.

The door swings open after my single knock. I look up to see Jin smiling brightly as I scrunch my brows at how quickly he opened the door.

"I heard you talking to yourself out here for about three minutes. I was just waiting for you to muster up the courage to knock." He spoke, seeing the confusion on my face. He shrugs and then gestures for me to enter. "Jungkook isn't here, just so you know."

"Oh." I sat on the couch as I spoke. "Well, um then I guess I could leave. I don't want to intrude on you or anything."

"He does miss you by the way."

"W-What? What are you talking about?"

"I said I heard you talking remember?" He laughed. "You kept talking about if he missed you and being that you were outside our door, I can only assume that you meant Jungkook." He stares at me, expectantly.

"Yeah...um...I meant him. So, he does? How do you know?" I feel my cheeks warm-up, at the thought of him hearing all my ramblings I thought I was only thinking in my head.

"Well, he hasn't shut up about you." He chuckles. "Is it okay if I ask you a question?" He asks.

"Um, ya sure."

"How do you feel about Jungkook?"

I feel my heart rate fasten exponentially. "How do I feel? What, uh, what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean MiHi, but I'll spell it out for you. Do...you...have...feelings...for...Jungkook?" He says the last sentence word by word, slowly.

My cheeks start burning. My heart is beating a mile a minute. Do I like Jungkook? I mean, I think I could see myself with him for sure. So, doesn't that mean I like him? Yes, you decided you loved him already idiot, but as a friend or more? Of course it's more.

"I-I think I like him?" I say it as more of a question. Jin raises his brows at me. "Ya, I do. I like him. Why does it matter?"

"Because he's up on the roof right now sulking cause you haven't contacted him." He points to the ceiling. "I wasn't going to tell you because he said he needed his alone time, but I don't think he'd mind you showing up to interrupt him."

My eyes widen at him. I begin shaking my head, "I-I don't want to interrupt him. If he needs his alone time, then he should get it."

"Go up there." He says sternly. "I'm older than you. You are supposed to listen to your elders, so go." He points to the door. "It's the door at the end of the hall the stairs behind it will lead you right to him."

"O-okay." I stand up and make my way to the door. I turn back and look at Jin hoping he'd stop me.

Only he doesn't he gestures for me to go on and then smirks and says, "Nice hoodie, by the way, looks comfy."

I sigh and open the door and make my way out.

This one was a little short but sometimes that's just how it be🤷🏼‍♀️😂



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