Into the Darkness

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I wake to something pleasant smelling wafting around the flat. Like crackling meat, which I don't even like but can appreciate the smell of. I'm not vegetarian exactly, I just dislike red meat. It's unhealthy and fatty and gross. Anyway, I throw on my lilac shirt, which actually needs washing again, and apply some of the black eyeliner Mai bought for me from Dollar Store. I wonder if I can borrow some of her clothes. I walk downstairs to find Akefia dressed in a red hoodie and that mini skirt cooking roast pig on the stove, Melvin sitting there excitedly with a peg over his nose. Doesn't he like the smell? Melvin looks over at me and smiles, making Akefia take notice and instantly scowl deeper. "What's that?" I ask.

"Steak!" Melvin answers happily, staring at it predatorily, salivating.

"This isn't yours," Akefia sneers at me. I ignore him and his grumpiness and walk to the fridge, slamming the door as I grab my strawberry protein shake and head to Sociology.

We have an essay due next week but I don't think much of it; I know I have the materials and can do the research so it's just a matter of binding it all together. I drink my shake and settle down in my lecture hall, glancing around me at the zombified students, clearly not morning people. Akefia isn't a morning person, why was he awake and cooking so early? Yūgi (who's also doing this as a minor) sits beside me and we share a grin, flipping our textbooks to the same page and chatting every so often about the upcoming essay.

Akefia doesn't have many lectures, or at least doesn't attend them. He's a 4th year so he's in his last year of his degree. Then he can leave or do Masters or whatever. I'm sad, this might be my only year with Akefia before he moves onto greater things. He doesn't seem so have any friends except Melvin, and I can understand why. He's such an asshole to everyone, Yugi doesn't even like him and Melvin seems oblivious.

When the lecture ends I say goodbye to Yugi and go back to the game shop. Melvin is working there and I slide in to work alongside him, taking a census of inventory. "What age are you?" I ask him, remembering how he looks even older than I.

"26," he answers friendlily, turning around to smile broadly at me, exposing his sharp teeth and the pulsing veins in his face.

"Oh, I'm 23," I answer.

"Kefi is 22!" Melvin points back through to the kitchen where Akefia huffs in irritation and rolls his eyes. So Akefia younger than me, like I thought. I'm jealous actually - Melvin gets to hang out with him, be confident around him and call him 'Kefi'. Fucking adorable, it suits him. I should be the one making adorable nicknames for Akefia. Melvin stretches and jumps over the counter. "Anyway, I have to go to Theology now: that's my shift over,"

"Can't you just skip your lecture?" Akefia groans from where he's still cooking, adjusting the stove heat. So Akefia tells Melvin to skip lectures, does he skip them too? He does seem to be in his room most of the day, and I don't hear him go out that much. "Your classes are bullshit anyway,"

"Can I have a hug before I go?" Melvin whines, sticking out his arms.

"No, fuck off Melvin!" Akefia snarls back. "You're already in trouble for leaving me alone with this little prick all day!" He glares and points to me. I step forward to protest. Who does he think he is calling me that? Oh yeah, the enigmatic ball of charisma I'm in literal love with.

Melvin's face falls, looking like a wounded puppy. He walks out, picking up jus bag. I watch him leave solemnly, crossing my arms over my chest. "That wasn't very nice," I chastise Akefia.

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