Halloween Night

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Well, the most (only?) holiday this household celebrates has finally arrived - Halloween night. The uni doesn't do anything which is surprising, but my professor hints at morning class being cancelled because he 'expects most of us to be hungover'. We just need to check for an email about it later. When I return the haunted flat is in full swing, and a large bowl of cakes sits by the door of the game shop, the sign reading Free - take one... if you dare! And I admit, and OTT as all this is, it's growing on me in an endearing kind of way.

"Marik!" Yugi bounds up to my excitedly. "Are you ready?"

"For what?"

"For the announcement of Akefia!" Yugi states like it's obvious.

"Uh, sure?"

He claps twice and Melvin drags in a protesting Akefia from the kitchen. Now this is adorable. He's wearing a witch's hat and those long plastic fingers to look like long fingernails. A black cloak - presumably Melvin's - is clipped onto his back and from his wrist hangs a plastic pumpkin bowl for trick or treating. "But I don't wanna be a wizard!" He cries, noticing me across the room. "This is all your fault!"

He whines accusatorially and points at me like a child. I just smile back, get out my phone and snap a couple pictures of him pouting cutely in his costume.  "You shouldn't have made that bet. I'm competitive,"

"I can see that," he grumbles.

"Don't worry, it'll be fun!" Yugi assures with that optimism of his, but Akefia remains unconvinced. "Are you coming too, Marik?"

"Nah, not my thing," I shake my head. "Besides, you need someone to man the shop for the after-school rush,"

"I can do that no problem," Yugi Grandpa answers with a friendly smile. There goes that excuse.

"No, really. I'd rather help. This whole night is a bit of a culture shock,"

"No kidding," Akefia mutters in agreement as Melvin and Yūgi force him out the door and into the streets. For the brief moment of the door being open, I hear laughing children.

For the next 3 hours the game shop is packed. First the rush of younger kids buying the Pokemon specials and Halloween merch, emptying the table by the door of cakes. Then the slightly older ones, here for Bakugan and come buy the horror games for Halloween! It's a successful night, and Sugoroku even gives me a small bonus. Now I can shop with Mai again - but then I remember Christmas, and decide to save up for something special for Kefi. When the trio return Yūgi and Melvin's bags are full to the brim with candy, while Akefia's is lacking slightly.

"It's not fair you got more candy than me," he says angrily.

"Well you might have got some if you were nicer to the neighbours!" Yūgi reminds with a huff. "I'm gonna be baking so many apology brownies," are they different from regular brownies?

"I gotta wash this shit off," Akefia decides, storming upstairs and into the bathroom. I wait in his bedroom for him to return, awkwardly sitting on his bed so I don't mess anything up and anger him. I think I've made this night bad enough for him. "Why the fuck are you here?" He groans when he returns, towelling off his hair, face now devoid of witch makeup.

"Waiting for your candy," I smirk and he snorts. I can't not make that sound dirty. And maybe I meant it to be. Either way, he dumps out a bunch of candy onto the bed and I'm actually impressed with his haul. Most of it is nicely Halloween candy - those sticky skull lollipops, but it's enough to satiate our sweet tooth while we watch series.

"Can you show me how Autodesk Inventor works?"

"Wha'?" Akefia asks through a huge mouthful of sticky candy.

"You can do your coursework while I figure it out, right?" I ask. He considers it for a second and nods, turning off the series and pulling up the programme on his laptop. I need to cuddle into his side to watch him work, and I savour this closeness. I don't know how long it'll last, when it'll be ripped away from me. So I cling to it and to him.

It comes to my attention that I've ever bonded with a gay man before. Sure, Ryou in the hospital was nice and cute, and we spent a lot of time together. But it was always controlled, regulated. We were all each other had. Now I'm after someone for real, I'm free and in the company of another free gay man, in a country without any homophobic restrictions in their laws. Everything is strange and new and exciting and... better. I'm so happy I am where I am.

He teaches me the basics of the programme and I create something simple on two planes - a grey cylinder with filleted sides and a hole cut through the centre. I make it lilac and smile proudly when I'm finished. Akefia saves it under Marik. I wonder how long I've been making this for.

"Wow, it's nearly midnight!" I gasp once his lesson is over and check the time on his laptop.

"Oh yeah," he laughs.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I ask, feeling bolder than I thought. I have nothing left to lose. I've said and done much more... invasive shit to Akefia and he hasn't cut me out yet.

"Fine," he groans, but it's unconvincing. He doesn't actually seem mad about it. We scurry under the covers for heat in this old flat, and I'm careful to keep away from Akefia while we do this, until I'm underneath his worn, dirty old rag of a duvet. It's fine as long as I can sleep here, with Akefia. My eyes adjust to the darkness quickly, and I stare at the ceiling for a short while. I'm sleeping with Akefia!

"You awake?" I ask the darkness and there's no response. Sighing contentedly, I steal a look at the man sleeping beside me, just watching and admiring him. Until I remember this is a creepy thing to do and turn over to my own side to try and sleep.

Sleep comes easier than I thought, my head hitting the pillow like a rock. It's a comfortable sleep, one devoid of nightmares and traumatic flashbacks. I guess Bakura has that effect on me.

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