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Its been 2 months since Alex left and the pain still hasn't gone away. "I don't get it man," Chubs said, interrupting my thoughts. "Don't get what?" I asked, as we drove down an empty highway in Betty 2.0. "Alex. I mean after all we've been through why would she do something as stupid as that. I know its almost been 3 months but I don't get it Why?" Chubs said, explaining nearly everything going on inside his head.  Before I could answer Zu slipped a piece of paper into Chubs' lap. She only ever spoke once and that was to tell Alex not to go and after that she was back to writing small notes. Chubs unfolded the note and read it aloud. "You protect the ones you love. That's was she was doing. She loves us, so she's protecting us." Sometimes that kid surprises me with how much wisdom she has sometimes, note I said sometimes. "Does she know that's what I was trying to do?" Lily chimed in from the back seat. After Clancy let us all go, we took Lily in. What, what did you expect me to do, she's Alex's sister, she would have done the same thing for my sister, if she was still alive. ""I mean what can we expect from her, she's Alex Burkhardt, she's always put others safety and needs before her own, especially when it comes down to the people she loves," Lily said. "I get that. But why didn't she think about herself in that moment. Clancy could be torturing her for all we know. Which is why we're gonna find her," I said, continuing to drive down the abandoned highway. "Seriously?" Lily asked, with a slight hint of joy on her face. "Yup," I replied. "But how do you expect to find someone who was taken away in a chopper," Chubs asked, his eyes glowing green. "I mean I'm a blue and I have no idea," he finished. "I don't expect to find her. But I know someone who can help," I said as Lily and Zu went back into the back of the van both with small smiles on their faces, Chubs didn't smile but I could tell he wanted his best friend back and as for me, all I want, more than anything in this world, is the girl I love back, safe in my arms. And I promise when I get her back, I'm never gonna lose her, not again.


Sequel to The Darkest Minds: Liam Stewart.

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Again thanks for all the love on the last book. 

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