The Reunion

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After about 2 minutes no guard was left standing, but I didn't do it alone someone helped but I don't know who. The only person left standing was Clancy, me and of course the person, or people, who were helping. Then they came out, there was about 7 kids with black masks on so we couldn't see their faces. "Give it up Clancy, its over. You don't get to ruin another kids life," one of them said. He was tall with about the same body structure as my brother, Oliver. Before he could do anything my instincts told me  Clancy about to do something so I turned my eyes purple and teleported to behind the boy who was talking. He didn't even bat an eye. It was like he knew what I was capable of, probably read by file. "Its over Clancy, there's no one here to take, just make it easy for yourself and walk away, this doesn't have to end in a fight," the slightly smaller boy said. "This isn't over Alexzanthea," Clancy said. "I think it is Clancy," I replied.

"So, you wanna tell me who you are?" I asked as the 2 kids turned around. "You mean you don't recognise me?" the smaller kid said as he took of his mask. It was Liam. It was actually Liam. Either that or I was dreaming but I'm pretty sure it was Liam. "Liam?" I asked as I immediately hugged him. "I thought I'd never see you again," I mumbled into his chest. "Hey, don't think like that. You're safe now I promise," he said. Then the other boy took of his mask. "Hey sis," he said and I looked over. "Oliver. You're alive!" I said as I pulled back from Liam's hug and pulled my twin brother into a hug. "You didn't actually think I'd leave you did you?" he asked. "Well I didn't know what to think," I said jokingly and he lightly punched in the arm. "What do you say we get out of here?" Liam asked and I just nodded. It felt good to have him back. 

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